
  • Page 1 — change of Salafistenpredigers
  • Page 2 — His disciples went to jihad
  • Page 3 — “Never preached hatred”
  • page 4 — for some a traitor
  • Page 5 — “There must be no compulsion in Islam”
  • Read on a page

    The video shows a man who is talking in rage: Abdul Adhim Kamouss – Black lint beard, white turban – has just demonized temptations of western world; Spoken by young people who are slipping into crime and who are addicted to drugs. Now he conjures up her only possible salvation: Islam.

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    “The one who does not remember Allah is dead, even if he breas,” cries preacher and draws eyebrows ominously toger. “The one who commemorates Allah, however, is alive, even if he dies.”

    The recordings date from year 2007. They show Kamouss, n 29, at height of its popularity. Close to close, his audience crowds on floor of Berlin al-only mosque. Most are second-generation migrant children; Young people who first find religion of ir parents in his teachings on Islam. Also a few non-Muslims are about to convert some will be with him. Kamouss is known for it, he has introduced him nickname “Moslem maker”.

    The protection of Constitution at that time still has very different names for him. The preacher is regarded as a “pass-through station” to extremism. He is formally opposed to violence, he says, as a representative of political Salafism, he neverless counts among “Radikalisierern”. The Ultra Salafism is already one of most growing currents of Islam. and Kamouss to absolute stars of scene.

    You have to remember this when you see same man standing on anor stage more than a decade later. It is a warm June 2018, instead of prayer coat and turban wearing Kamouss grey suit and white shirt. Instead of Al-only mosque observed by protection of Constitution, he now speaks in a Christian church, Baptist wedding.

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    It’s his big day. About 200 guests have come; Headlights immerse stage in warm light. A Breakdancer is just swirled over parquet, Kamouss will present his partner, footballer Änis Ben-Hatira.

    Kamouss has been invited to Church this evening to present his new project: The foundation Islam in Germany, he has just founded it. An ambitious project: A Deradikalisierungsstelle is planned, scout camps, a mosque of its own. He is supported by a team of 60 people.

    Kamouss speaks a lot of tolerance this evening. From bridges to majority society he wants to build. His foundation is an offer of Muslims to society, he says. An outstretched hand. From general claim of Islam – no more talk.

    More than ten years are between two appearances. A time when some of Kamouss ‘ students are moving into armed jihad. In which he becomes known as “Quassel-Imam” with his appearance with Günr Jauch. But also a time when he begins to distance himself from old views. He discusses interreligious dialogue rounds, organizes weeks of action against Islamist violence – and is threatened with death by fundamentalists. At end of se ten years, Extremismusforscherin Claudia Dantschke will say about him that he is a “leading figure for all who seek a peaceful and integrative form of living Islam.” Who is this man? And what is behind his change?