In a self-suicide to a peace meeting in Afghanistan Sindmindestens 20 people were killed, 16 more were injured. This was shared by an official spokesman for eastern province of Nangarhar of AFP news agency. The news agency Reuters reports of 26 deaths that were celebrating soldiers and Taliban fighters. The terror militia Islamic State (IS) confessed to attack. Nangarhar is main base of is in Afghanistan, which is hostile to Taliban.

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The people had come toger to celebrate truce that Taliban and government had arranged over DieEid holidays, breaking of fast after Ramadan. Dozens of Taliban, soldiers and civilians were in a park in Rodat-Bezirkzusammengekommen to commit feast toger.

The Afghan government had recently announced that it would extend fire break unilaterally. For first time, Taliban had also joined ceasefire. Attacks on AfghanischeSicherheitskräfte were discontinued, but attacks on US GeführtenNato troops were to continue.

Taliban enthusiastically received in Kabul

“Your wounded will be cared for and family visits will be organized,” said President Ashraf Ghani in a television speech towards Taliban. On Twitter, he added later that at beginning of fire break he was skeptical wher Islamists would abide by peace. These doubts have now been dispelled. The government is ready for ‘ comprehensive negotiations ‘.

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Few days ago when we were preparing for ceasefire many were skeptical that Taliban will not comply, and also how will it be put into practice? But those doubts were removed once ceasefire began and assumptions made by many analysts and politician were proven wrong.

— Ashraf Ghani (@ashrafghani) June 16, 2018

In Kabul, many Taliban fighters were greeted with enthusiasm on Saturday. The Department of Defense had invited militiamen without weapons to or compartmentalised cities. “We are against no one today. That’s time FürFrieden, “said one of fighters according to reporters. Media showed pictures VonInnenminister orphan Barmak in a group of AngeblichenTalibankämpfern in Kabul district of Kompani. There was no offizielleBestätigung of meeting.

Ghani had already gone to Taliban in February. He was in prospect of recognizing Taliban Alspolitische party. They did not react, but began ir annual spring offensive shortly reafter. At beginning of June, at least 40 Afghan police and soldiers were killed.