In Afghan capital Kabul a self-suicide was perpetrated on a meeting vonReligionsführern. The report AFP undReuters in appeal to Afghan police. So far, it is unclear how many people gekommensind killed. According to police, at least seven people were killed and nine injured at attack.

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According to first information, attack had been perpetrated, when participants of meeting had just left tent, SagtePolizeisprecher Haschmat Staniksai radio station TOLONEWS. So far no group has known about attack.

At meeting of Ulema Council, some 2,000 clerics, scholars and or Islamic and legal Autoritätenaus have come toger all over Afghanistan. They called on government, dieradikalislamischen Taliban, and or extremists to undFriedensverhandlungen a truce. In addition, members of Ulema council EineFatwa against suicide bombings. Islamic law forbids SolcheAngriffe, Council declared in a legal opinion.

The act shows worsening derSicherheitslage before parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for 20 October. In Kabul alone, dozens of people have been killed in attacks this year. Only on Wednesday, armed extremists attacked Geländedes Ministry of Interior and gave mselves for hours of fighting with DenSicherheitskräften.