ulées. The 2021 bac replacement tests will take place in June for students prevented by a case of force majeure. Should we conclude that the “new bac” will be for 2022 ? 

The Minister of Education spoke about this in an interview with the JDD on January 24. “No, it is from this year,” he replies, ” because we keep the essence of the reform : the specialty courses chosen by the students. And we keep in June the new test of the great oral and that of philosophy”. 

How will equal assessment be ensured between students, when the grade is based on 82% continuous control ? 

” We will distribute a guide to the evaluation of continuous control , as well as the exam topics initially planned : teachers will be able to use them as models, ” promised Jean-Michel Blanquer during his interview at the JDD on January 24. And to add: “And we are setting up a device to harmonize the notes “. 

What are the 2021 lac dates ?  Épreuves anticipées écrites de français (pour les élèves de première) : le jeudi 17 juin Épreuve anticipée orale de français (pour les élèves de première) : du lundi 21 juin au vendredi 2 juillet Épreuve de philosophie : le jeudi 17 juin Épreuves du grand oral : du lundi 21 juin au vendredi 2 juillet Résultats du bac Chercher un nom ou une ville pour trouver un résultat

Linternaute.com allows you to consult the lists of admitted during the last edition of the baccalaureate and search for a result thanks to the search engine below. The success rate at the bac is exceptionally high this year, given the “benevolence” of the rating in continuous control, under the recommendations of the Ministry of National Education.

AcadémieAix-MarseilleAmiensBesançonBordeauxCaenClermont-FerrandCorseCreteilDijonGrenobleGuadeloupeGuyaneLa RéunionLilleLimogesLyonMartiniqueMayotteMontpellierNancy-Metznantesnicenew-CaledonieOrléans-Toursparispoitierespolynésie FrançaiseReimsRennesRouenSaint-Pierre-et-MiquelonStrasbourgToulouseVersaillesWallis-et-Futuna 20202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 How do I find the results of the baccalaureate (by city and academy) ? Results ibc Academy Aix-Marseille Results ibc Academy of Amiens Results ibc Academy of Besançon Results ibc Academy of Bordeaux Results ibc Academy of Caen Results ibc Academy of Clermont-Ferrand Results tray of Corsican Results ibc Academy of Créteil Results ibc Academy of Dijon Outcomes tray Academy of Grenoble Results ibc Academy Guadeloupe Outcomes tray Academy Guiana Results ibc Academy of The Meeting Results ibc Academy of Lille Results ibc Academy of Limoges Results ibc Academy Lyon Results ibc Academy of Martinique Results ibc Academy Mayotte Results ibc Academy of Montpellier Results ibc Academy Nancy-Metz Results ibc Academy of Nantes Results ibc Academy of Nice Results ibc Academy of New Caledonia Outcomes tray Académie d’orléans-Rounds Results ibc Academy of Paris Results ibc Academy of Poitiers Results ibc Academy of French Polynesia Results ibc Academy of Reims Results ibc Academy of Rennes Results ibc Academy of Rouen Results ibc Academy of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Results bac Académie de Strasbourg Results ibc Academy of Toulouse Outcomes tray Academy of Versailles Results ibc Academy of Wallis and Futuna Results of the bac-by-city Paris (75000) Marseille (13000) Lyon (69000) Toulouse (31000) Nantes (44000) Bordeaux (33000) Rennes (35000) Strasbourg (67000) Nice (06000) Montpellier (34000) Tours (37000) Caen (14000) Brest (29200) Dijon (21000) Angers (49000) Amiens (80000) Reims (51100) Orléans (45000) Metz (57000) Clermont (63000) Lille (59350) All the results of the bac city-by-city

Attention ! The names of candidates who failed the first session or are subject to remediation are available only on an individual basis. Each candidate must expressly authorize at the beginning of the year the publication of his name in the list of admitted via a signed document, to appear in these results. The secondary schools belonging to each candidate are no longer made public by the ministry since 2012.

What is the success rate of the last baccalaureate ?

According to the Ministry of Education, 95.0% of applicants have achieved this, a level never reached before. Out of 760,800 applicants, 723,000 obtained the national diploma. For comparison, 88.1% of the 755,900 bachelor’s degree applicants had obtained it in the previous year. 

How to consult the result of the French baccalaureate ?

In contrast to the result of the final baccalaureate, the result of the anticipated tests of the French baccalaureate is not communicated on a single day in all academies. Publication times are sometimes given on the websites of the different academies that publish them. For more information on the bac de français 2021, find on Linternaute.com our special page dedicated to the French baccalaureate.

How do I view the results of the baccalaureate catch-up?

The exact dates and times of the catch-up oral are traditionally communicated to the candidate at his or her place of examination, after having chosen the