RESHUFFLE – The Prime minister has made it known that he was at the disposal of the president to stay at Matignon, but does not seem to push to stay there… What do we know about the cabinet reshuffle, which is preparing ?

Summary Edouard Philippe Ministers on the departure of the Ministers who remain Emmanuel Macron to the maneuver government Reshuffle List of ministers

This is not the first reshuffle of the era Macron, but this time, it is necessary to expect a change in depth. At the end of the municipal elections, the head of the State will restructure the government team to perform the entry in a new political sequence. After the crisis of the yellow vests, the demonstrations against the pension reform and the health crisis has forced the country to a long confinement, Emmanuel Macron intends to take over, and appear again as the one who sets the tempo. Tempo of the new reforms, the tempo of the highlights and movement, tempo media… To follow it, it will be necessary to lieutenants strong and determined for this act II of the quinquennium, which should bring the president until a new nomination in the presidential election.

According to the confidences of the entourage of the president of the Republic to the political journalists, the announcement of the cabinet reshuffle will take place between end of June and the 14 July. Emmanuel Macron will be a new address to the French to explain it and without doubt indicate whether it intends to appoint a new Prime minister or not.

Edouard Philippe will he remain Prime minister ?

This is the first of the questions posed by the redesign is in the offing. Edouard Philippe, can he keep the keys of the prime minister if the head of the State wants to inject a new impetus ? Is it the best place to embody a new life or a new vision ? It would seem that the Prime minister himself is aware that this kind of exercise naturally implies that either dismissed the head of the government. “If [the president of the Republic] think, after the municipal election, that I must continue my mission at Matignon, I will assume my responsibilities. He knows who I am, what I play, what can I do and what I can’t do that. If he thinks someone else is more useful, I will respect his choice on the basis of fairness”, he said to Paris and Normandy on the 16th of June, hinting that he could very well, given his profile and what he “can’t do”, not to be the man of the situation. Edouard Philippe, a candidate in the municipal elections in his hometown of le Havre, pounds for weeks that he “loves being mayor”. According to The World, he says, sometimes to his interlocutors, that he knows a little bit talkative : “I look forward to seeing the sea”.

all that Remains is Edouard Philippe is currently enjoying a popularity remarkable for a Prime minister and his close relatives suggests that Emmanuel Macron is in their interest to keep it at his side. “The president has need of him. It is reinforced enough to say ‘I take the job or I don’t take it’. If the president loose in the nature of an object policy beginning to take shape, what is it going to be two years of the presidential election ?”, asks a member of the entourage of the Norman with the World.

What are the ministers on leave ?

The machine speculation is already well underway, and the press relays the past few days, rumors about the members of the government that is said about the harness. For the Journal du Dimanche, four ministers of the first plan could be dismissed : the keeper of the Seals, Nicolle Belloubet, the minister of Ecology, Elizabeth Terminal, the minister of Labour, Muriel Pénicaud, and the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. The latter appears increasingly weakened, and could pay his management the criticism of angry protests against the police violence. The same journal ensures that Franck Riester is very weak and it is likely that Sibeth Ndiaye leaves his position as spokesman for new functions.

What are the ministers that are safe to stay ?

Some ministers are figures of indéboulonnables right arm, as Bruno Le Maire, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Jean-Michel Blanquer, or Olivier Véran. It is likely that Emmanuel Macron confirms their position. Gérarld Darmanin and Marlène Schiappa, who recently made it known through the press that they hoped to do even more within the government, could be promoted.

read more Redesign : Macron responsible for appointment

The first government of Emmanuel Macron, the government of Philip 1, was appointed on 17 may 2017. The announcement of the new government is not at Matignon. Even if the head of government is the Prime minister, the latter was officially a power of proposal at amendments. It is on the decision of the head of the State, Emmanuel Macron, that the appointments must take place. According to the constitution, it is indeed the president who appoints the government, at the proposal of its Prime minister. It is, therefore, on the front steps of the presidential palace, the secretary general of the Elysee traditionally takes the word and gives formally the list of ministers that make up the new government. The more often these last few months, the changes have nevertheless taken place through press releases from the Elysée.

Realignment of government : a chronology

Several members of the ministerial team have been replaced over the months by Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe, giving rise to changes, sometimes significant, and often technical, but each one after a significant crisis at the top of the State. From the beginning of the quinquennium, the Modem François Bayrou and Marielle de Sarnez, but also the faithful macroniste (which has since become president of the Assembly) Richard Ferrand are obligés to leave the government, either under investigation of the justice. The first two are suspected for the alleged ‘ghost’ employees to the european Parliament, the third for the so-called case of “Mutual of Britain”.

ministerial Reshuffle of June 21, 2017. After the parliamentary elections, it is customary for the government to present its resignation. The one that followed the legislative elections of June 2017 will be already the opportunity to make “adjustments”. On June 21, the keeper of the Seals and minister of State François Bayrou is replaced by Nicole Belloubet, while Marielle de Sarnez, european Affairs officer, gives its place to Nathalie Loiseau. The minister for the Armed forces, Modem it also, Sylvie Goulard, is replaced by Florence Parly. Richard Ferrand, the short-lived minister of Territorial Cohesion, yields his place to Jacques Mézard. The latter, which was already in government, will be replaced at Agriculture by Stéphane Travert another little new in this government-Philippe 2.

cabinet Reshuffle of November 24, 2017 . Christophe Castaner, until now minister of Relations with Parliament and spokesman of the government, leaves this second function. He comes indeed to be elected as a delegate-general of the Republic on the basis of a presidential decree. It will be replaced at the porte-parolat by Benjamin Griveaux, which was previously State secretary Bruno Le Maire at Bercy. Delphine Gény-Stephann between the government, with the minister of Economy. The former socialist Olivier Dussopt also take advantage of this mini-reshuffle to become secretary of State to the minister of the Action and of the public Accounts, Gérald Darmanin.

cabinet Reshuffle of 4 September 2018. August 28, 2018, at a few days of the season, Nicolas Hulot announces on France Inter in his resignation of the government. Little is listened to in its ministry of Transition, the victim of trade-offs against, and “unfortunate” or “ill at ease” it is said in its functions, the former host of TF1 leaves the ship by surprise, sending a scathing wake-up call for the planet. It is the president of the national Assembly, François de Rugy, a former member of EELV that he had left in 2016, which is named minister of the Environment. This reshuffle, small in size, but heavy politically, also sees Laura Flessel, resign, by surprise also. The ancient fencer is replaced by a swimmer, Roxana Maracineanu, the ministry of Sports.

cabinet Reshuffle of October 16, 2018. This is another surprise resignation, which is at the origin of the reshuffle of October 2018. This time, it is nothing less than the minister of the Interior, Gérard Collomb, the first supports policies Emmanuel Macron, who slams the door on 3 October. Echaudé by the case of Benalla, which has rotted the been of the executive, Gérard Collomb had indicated its willingness to be a candidate in the local elections in Lyon, the city he has led for years, before joining the government. Minister of State, first in the protocol order after Edouard Philippe, Gérard Collomb, will therefore insist, is to leave the government, despite the official refusal and adamant the Elysee. A blow to Emmanuel Macron. After a long interim of Edouard Philippe and a floating period, it is eventually replaced at Place Beauvau by Christophe Castaner.This redesign changes a little more deeply the government with the arrival of Franck Riester, ministry of Culture, replacing Françoise Nyssen, Didier Guillaume in Agriculture in place of Stéphane Travert, Jacqueline Gourault to the Cohesion of the territories, in replacement of Jacques Mézard. Delphine Gény-Stephann, it exits out of lready the new government. Other adjustments will take place, including the appointment of new secretaries of State : Gabriel Attal Education, Lawrence Nuñez Inside, Christelle Dubos to the Solidarity and Health, Agnès Pannier-Runacher Economics and Emmanuelle Wargon to the Ecology.