New next register of qualified car tax is getting a discount. The reason is the new introduced in September the car’s carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption to measure the WLTP method, which replaced the long used in the NEDC-test.
Read more: car Tax will fall: the effect starts already today – ”suddenly and overnight” the state council information 2019 into force at the beginning of future change on Monday 3. December. The change only applies to new next register record of the cars, and it doesn’t affect already registered and in use for car to car taxation. the

according to the draft tax administration remedies, however, without the application of the law after the entry into force of the new WLTP-car tax, which is registered or introduced in 3.12.-31.12.2018. the

VTT according to the report, a rough calculation of the car tax change showed that the passenger in the car-the car tax would lower the proposed tax table have an average of about 500 euros. the
Ad (Text continues below) the Ad ends with Read more: Finnish car, you are still parents – could car taxation guide the development of better? IS asked on Wednesday, Car importers and industry association’s managing director Tero kallio from the six questions about the new car tax. The issue reported earlier, Yle. the

1. What kind of car prices become cheaper the most? Cliff told me that the car tax increase at the beginning of September, but prices are falling now in all more than 20 grams per kilometer from the border in cars. Cliff, it is neutralising, i.e. the fact that the car tax will be returned to the level it was before September. the