ent data on the evolution of the epidemic in your community. See

What are the reasons for exit certification curfew ?

This is a new version of the certificate of derogation, specially modified for the curfew, which was put online on the website of the ministry of the Interior. There are more fields to indicate to make purchases first need to retrieve a meal ordered to go or for visits in cultural sites or buildings of religious worship. All these trips will be prohibited from 20 hours and up to 6 o’clock in the morning every night. Remember that there will be one exception, the evening of Christmas eve on the 24th December in the evening when the curfew will be lifted. Here is otherwise the valid grounds present on this new version of the certificate of displacement derogatory to the curfew :

Travel from home to your place of work and vice versa if your schedules require, (on presentation of proof of the employer) or on a place of training and education. Business travel may not be deferred also fall into this framework. Travel for medical necessity or health. The certificate indicates “for consultations and care cannot be provided at a distance and cannot be deferred or for the purchase of health products “, for example, by on-duty pharmacy open at night. Travel for reasons of family is compelling, but also for assistance to persons in a vulnerable or precarious. Child care is also concerned by this point. Movement of people with disabilities (and their accompanying). Displacement in the context of a court summons, or administrative, for missions of general interest upon request of the authorities. Travel for journeys by train or plane (long distance) on presentation of the ticket, with the latter being faith. The car trips are prohibited except in the case of emergency present in this list. Output short duration and in a maximum radius of one kilometre around the home for the needs of pets. What are the penalties if you forget the certificate of curfew ?

fines are again provided for the controlled persons outside of their homes without the certificate, or a valid reason for the curfew. The amount of the fine is 135 € in case of first offence and can quickly climb : 200 euros in case of recidivism within a period of 15 days, which amount may be increased to 450 euros in case of non-payment or non-objection within the time period specified on the notice of contravention. Finally, the third offense for a period of 30 days results in a fine of 3750 euros and a sentence of 6 months imprisonment may be required.

The government has already announced the strengthening of the police with stronger controls to verify the compliance of these health conditions. A stronger mechanism of enforcement will be in place December 31, new year’s eve, in order to control the patterns of the people outside. Gatherings or trips to visit relatives after 20 hours, may be the subject of a verbalization.