aque day. If you don’t have one, you can present a statement of movement derogatory “classic” by checking the last box “Move to get the kids to school and on the occasion of their extra-curricular activities.” Unlike the proof of travel to school valid for the entire duration of the confinement, the certificate of displacement derogation will, however, be completed for each trip. For middle and high school students visiting only during the presentation of the book of correspondence will suffice. “For middle and high school students, the single presentation of the list of correspondence was enough to justify the travel,” one can read on the special page of the ministry of Education.

Download the proof of travel school

What controls, what are the fines ?

fines are again provided for the controlled persons outside of their homes without the certificate, or a valid reason. The amount of the fine is 135 € in case of first offence and can quickly climb : 200 euros in case of recidivism within a period of 15 days, which amount may be increased to 450 euros in case of non-payment or non-objection within the time period specified on the notice of contravention. Finally, the third offense for a period of 30 days results in a fine of 3750 euros and a sentence of 6 months imprisonment may be required.