The Federal Minister Jens Spahn (health), Franziska Giffey (family) and Hubertus Heil (work) have launched an initiative to improve situation of caregivers. “The labor market is swept empty,” said Spahn. There were only a few applications for open nursing positions, up to 50,000 additional nursing staff would be needed. The problem is to be solved with foreign skilled workers, better working conditions and higher incomes.

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Their plan is to call ministers “concerted action care”, to be drawn up within one year. The Confederation and Länder as well as associations, churches, nursing and health insurance companies, trade associations, Federal Employment agency and social partners are involved.

Among or things, Jens Spahn plans that additional nursing positions should be financed by coffers, in old care re should be 13,000 jobs. People who got out of job would have to be recovered. “We want to encourage nursing staff to return to job or to work full time again,” said Spahn. Wher it should be for people who come back to ir previous job or Stundenaufstocker a premium, as nursing officer Andreas Westerfellhaus proposed, left Spahn open. This is subject of deliberations.

Nursing staff from Albania

In addition, workers are to be recruited abroad. There are countries in Europe with a young society where re is good nursing education. In Albania, for example, median age was 29 and in Kosovo, 26. Nursing staff often find no employment re. Visa and recognition procedures would have to go faster for se people.

Franziska Giffey said that at 100 vacancies, only 28 unemployed old nurses were reported in Germany. Most people in job wanted more time. “Grooming after stopwatch must have an end,” she said. The SPD politician announced a training and qualification offensive of her ministry. People of all ages should be won for nursing profession. This should be targeted towards young people.

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Hubertus Heil said that care was a hard and qualified job, which had to be paid better. In old care, however, 80 percent of employees are not tariff-bound. In order to counteract shortage of skilled workers, more tariff binding is required. It is necessary to have a skilled immigration law for qualified immigration. The people who have come to country in recent years also would offer great potential. “Maybe sometimes we push wrong ones and we have to take care of a few who have just started training,” said SPD politician.

Jens Spahn envisaged higher expenses for a greater attractiveness of nursing profession. Due to improvements in recent years alone, contribution must rise by 0.3 percentage points as announced. If planned measures were to be added to Coalition Treaty and concerted action, re would be a furr need for financing. In end, it will be necessary to see wher everything desirable is feasible and achievable, and how this will be shared equitably. But you can’t call finance Minister first. The emphasis was always on a balance between contributions, taxes and own share of people. However, re is a broad social acceptance that more money should be spent on health and in particular care.