CONTAINMENT. Reconfinera or reconfinera not ? That is the question. For the moment, the reconfinement is not on the agenda, assure the government, but several elected officials to advocate for a third containment after the holidays.

Summary Not reconfinement after Christmas A 3rd containment in January 2021 ? Calendar of déconfinement end Date of confinement

[updated December 31, 2020 at 13h46] nothing should be excluded, the government’s spokesperson Gabriel Attal has further stated on Wednesday evening that everything would be done to avoid a reconfinement. It is for this purpose that places, such as cinemas and theatres, including the re-opening on January 7, seems at this day “very unlikely” to Gabriel Attal, remain closed. It is also to avoid a third containment after the holidays that a curfew from 18 hours since Saturday is considered in the departments most impacted.

But some want more. Thus, the president of the region Is Great, Jean Rottner, calls for a “new containment, may be localized” for several days. As for professor Philippe Juvin, head of emergencies at the paris hospital Georges-Pompidou, he said, on the plateau of CNews on Wednesday that a reconfinement would eventually be put in place. “I think that we are not going to cut it since the epidemic is moving forward,” he considered before continuing : “the More we wait, the more [the confinement] is going to be difficult.”

If the situation does not improve in the next few days, the government will build on the indicators of the epidemic to declare whether or not to apply the curfew two hours earlier. As a reminder, a “clause revoyure” was already scheduled for 7 January, the date on which the measures should be re-evaluated as to the reopening of the theatres and cinema in particular. “It seems hardly conceivable at this stage to remove the constraints,” said the minister, who expressed the hope that “the effect of Christmas and New Year” will be the lowest possible. According to him, we should see the light, “by January”, in order to be able to consider developments in telework (one day worked face-to-face per week) among others. The current curfew remains in force for the other departments.

‘t reconfinement between Christmas and new year’s day

While some feared a reconfinement between Christmas and new year’s eve, or even the for the image of the mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein, the president of the departmental Council of Meurthe-et-Moselle Valerie Beausert-Leick, or of several local elected officials, therefore, this option is “excluded” in the words of Olivier Veran himself. Earlier in the day on Tuesday, the president of the Republic had met several members of the government, including his Prime minister, Jean Castex, and the minister of Health, to make the point on the epidemic, at a Council of defence. No decision has been announced at the end of this appointment.

Lack of reconfinement, some prefectures have taken the lead in strengthening the a curfew by new measures at a local level. In the Rhône, the possession and consumption of alcohol are prohibited on the public highway the 31 December until the next day at noon, as well as the sale of alcohol to take between 17 hours 31 and 6 a.m. January 1. The mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi has called him to be vaccinated “while away” the population of the Alpes-Maritimes. He also said that he supported a curfew from 18h.

A worsening of the health situation in progress

During his speech on France 2, Olivier Veran has focused on the number of infections is still too important, to “15 000 per day on average”, while the government had set the target of 5 000 infections day-to-day. These words echo a new opinion of the scientific Council dated December 22, 2020, and unveiled also on Tuesday 29 December. There are mentioned a “troubling evolution of the main indicators of the coronavirus, the “tendency to the increase in the number of incident cases” and the “stagnation at a high level the weekly number of new admissions and new admissions in the icu since week 49” (week of 30 November to 6 December).

“In total, the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 on the territory no-fade”, conclude the experts in charge of advising the government. “In this context, and so that since December 15, the device of public health has been lightened with a curfew from 20h to 6h in the morning, it is possible that further contamination takes place at the end of the year, especially during the holidays, conducive to family gatherings and friendly”, says the report. The government and experts have also repeatedly stated that the implementation of the vaccination campaign launched at the end of December will have no immediate effect on the epidemic.

will there be a 3rd containment in France in January 2021 ?

The month of January is so beautiful and good in the viewfinder. The scientific Council considers, in fine, “likely that any such additional contamination is causing it to horizon a few weeks a resumption uncontrolled epidemic, a sharp increase in hospitalizations, investments in resuscitation and death”. It evokes in consequence “of the new measures of restriction of movement and gatherings of people more stringent, according to three possible options”, with three degrees of anticipation. In each of these three scenarios, the idea of a reconfinement est mentioned. If a “containment strict of the population from 28 December 2020” has been suggested but has not been decided, experts evoke, in the longer term, “measures of restriction increased, up to a continued confinement”.

This report confirms what the public authorities have already several times made know prior to the holidays, namely, that they expected a rebound of the epidemic of the coronavirus to the beginning of the year 2021, in the hope that he could be content. “This rebound could occur in mid-January or later ? The answer is yes, the model has not changed, the virus will continue to circulate over the winter”, had anticipated Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the scientific Council, in an interview granted to our colleagues of the Paris on the 16th of December.

The containment of debate within the government

The scenario of a third wave so important that it requires new restrictive measures is not excluded. The executive has set as its goal to do everything to avoid it, but it will all depend on the health situation in the beginning of the year 2021. Proof that the government does not exclude any track, the minister of the Economy and the Prime minister have made it clear that they could not guarantee that restaurants and bars could very well reopen on January 20.

The question of a third containment is in any case much debated, including in the executive. Sign of the different approaches which can be current today within the government, the ministry of Economy would, for its part favourable to the opening of shops every Sunday in the month of January based on information from franceinfo. A measurement not really consistent with a containment. The Board of trade of France had expressed this desire to several media outlets on Tuesday, December 29th, in the morning. “We want to be able to open for the whole month of January to make sales, to make cash” was stated by William Koeberlé, president of the Board of trade of France. This decision would make up for the lost revenue by businesses so-called “non-essential” during the closures in the second containment.

A continuation of the gestures barrier to avoid the reconfinement

The hope of avoiding the reconfinement in January seems so still now, in any case in the front. For the president of the scientific council, and Jean-François Delfraissy, present on the antenna BFM TV a few days ago, “our future and the future of a third wave that could occur in January, it is we who will build or not in the coming days”. Guest on December 21, on RTL, Gabriel Attal has also called the French “not to put themselves in the perspective of a” third containment”. “If we’re careful”, “we can (l’)to avoid”, he added. “The efforts of the French pay […]. Today we are on a higher plateau,” but “we can continue to move forward with the rules that have been established at the 15 December”, a curfew. “We can move forward with the strategy explained there.

The executive has also warned against any loosening of actions barriers during the celebration of the end of the year. Several epidemiologists call for the responsibility, the scientific Council had recommended a few days of self-containment before the family gathering for Christmas. For its part, the world Health Organization (WHO) has recommended on Wednesday, December 16, wearing a mask during family meetings, warning against a “high risk” of reversal of the epidemic the beginning of 2021 in Europe.

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