CORONAVIRUS. China’s struggle to avoid a second wave of contamination Covid-19, and the screens are multiplying in Beijing, where the authorities want reassuring. The situation concerned, however, still in Brazil. Here is the full point on the epidemic of coronavirus in the world.

Summary Map of the coronavirus Statistics of the coronavirus ending Dates of the confinement by country China United States Brazil Spain Italy United Kingdom Germany Portugal Belgium Africa

[updated June 19, 2020 at 11h42] The last balance sheet date on the pandemic of sars coronavirus was a Thursday evening over 8 million cases across the world for nearly 500 000 deaths. The virus appeared in China in the end of the year 2019 continues to cause havoc across the globe, including the United States, Brazil, India, Mexico, but also in Afghanistan, or in Russia. The european countries seem to them to have passed the wave of the virus but the need to remain vigilant with the onset of outbreaks and the fear of a second wave.

In China, the situation is also worrying. While the countries where the virus is said seemed to have contained the epidemic after several months of a vacuum around the epicenter, the city of Wuhan, the arrival of new cases in Beijing caused the stupor, and then the implementation of many measures. If 21 new cases were reported Thursday, the authorities pékinoises now provide that the epidemic is controlled through extensive testing campaigns and isolation of many residential neighborhoods. “The epidemic is under control”, has indicated the epidemiologist-in-chief of the Center for control and disease prevention, Wu Zunyou, before adding : “This does not mean that there will be no new cases tomorrow, but they will be less numerous”. Even if there is no new deaths linked to the virus have been recorded since the emergence of this new focus of infection, which would be born on the market, Xinfadi, in the heart of Beijing, the worry is back within the population.

the map of The coronavirus in the world

Statistics of the coronavirus

Statistics of the coronavirus to the 18/06/2020 in the evening

a Country Number of cases New cases deaths New deaths United States 2,263,651 +27,924 120,688 +747 Brazil 983,359 +23,050 47,869 +1,204 Russia 561,091 +7,790 7,660 +182 India 381,091 +13,827 12,604 +342 United Kingdom 300,469 +1,218 42,288 +135 Spain 292,348 +585 27,136 Peru 244,388 +3,480 7,461 +204 Italy 238,159 +331 34,514 +66 Chile 225,103 +4,475 3,841 +226 Iran 197,647 +2,596 9,272 +87 Germany 190,126 +622 8,946 +19 Turkey 184,031 +1,304 4,882 +21 Pakistan 160,118 +5,358 3,093 +118 Mexico 159,793 +4,930 19,080 +770 France 158,641 +467 29,603 +28 Saudi Arabia 145,991 +4,757 1,139 +48 Bangladesh 102,292 +3,803 1,343 +38 Canada 100,220 +367 8,300 +46 Qatar 84,441 +1,267 86 +4 South Africa 83,890 +3,478 1,737 +63 China 83,293 +28 4,634 Belgium 60,348 +104 9,683 +8 British 60,217 +3,171 1,950 +86 Belarus 56,657 +625 331 +7 Sweden 56,043 +1,481 5,053 +12 Egypt 50,437 +1,218 1,938 +88 Netherlands 49,319 +115 6,078 +4 Ecuador 49,097 +607 4,087 +80 United Arab Emirates 43,752 +388 298 +3 Indonesia 42,762 +1,331 2,339 +63 Singapore 41,473 +257 26 Portugal 38,089 +417 1,524 +1 Kuwait 38,074 +541 308 +2 Argentina 37,510 +1,958 948 +35 Ukraine 34,063 +829 966 +23 Switzerland 31,200 +13 1,956 Poland 31,015 +314 1,316 +30 Philippines 27,799 +561 1,116 +8 Afghanistan 27,532 +658 546 +42 Oman 26,818 +739 119 +3 end Dates of the containment by country

many countries have adopted measures of containment to protect their population from the Covid-19. These measures are withdrawn or draw gradually to an end in many countries. Here are a few dates of the end of containment in the affected countries.

Country announced Date of the end of the containment Algeria 29 may Germany, may 4, Belgium 3-may Spain, may 9, United States, no date national, already lifted in several States. France 11 may Greece may 4, India may 3, Italy 3 may Luxembourg, may 11, Morocco 10 June Portugal 2 may Uk June 1, Switzerland, April 27, Tunisia may 3, Coronavirus in China

If 21 new cases had been reported Thursday in the chinese capital Beijing, bringing to 158 the total number of new cases reported this week, the outbreak is “under control”, has provided the epidemiologist-in-chief of the Center for control and prevention of diseases (CDC), Wu Zunyou. The tests has increased in these last hours, sometimes with long queues to the inhabitants before being detected. Extensive residential areas have been quarantined, schools closed and the inhabitants do not have the opportunity to leave the city. The municipality has also called on the Beijing to limit their travel and avoid those non-essential.

Should we worry about this increase in the number of infections in China and a new spread in the world ? Not for the moment according to, Bruno Lina, virologist at the university hospital of Lyon and member of the scientific Council, who spoke Tuesday on France Info about these 106 cases were reported in five days in Beijing : “This is a normal dynamic of the evolution of the epidemic in the absence of reaction. Now what we think is that given that a response has been made, the transmission level will drop. But there is the time of the incubations, which is still ongoing. Therefore, we will still have cases. And then, there will be a decrease (…) The reaction has been perhaps more rapid than it was in the month of December”.

Coronavirus in the USA

the Country most affected by the Covid-19 with 120 001 dead according to the last balance-sheet, for over 2 million cases, the United States hope to have crossed the peak of the epidemic. On Wednesday, they counted less 1000 deaths daily during seven consecutive days, a sign seen as positive even if 20,000 Americans continue to be tested to be positive each day. The country fails to stem the epidemic, which now does less damage in the East, but that has shifted to the West and the South. Anyway, the administration of Donald Trump has already announced that it would not consider a new closure of the economy in the event of a second wave on the country.

the president of The USA has planned to resume “normal life” and to launch his re-election campaign, with a great meeting planned for this Saturday at Tulsa (Oklahoma), in front of 20 000 people. A choice that makes the object of many criticisms and calls for cancellation, which does not seem to disrupt Trump. “We have a scene of 22 000 places, but I think that we will also use the conference room next door and it will hold 40,000 people,” he said Monday. Bruce Dart, the director of health services of the city, he said : “A great meeting of 19 to 20 000 people represents a huge risk to Tulsa today. I think that it is an honour for Tulsa as a president-in-office wants to come visit our community, but not during a pandemic”.

Coronavirus in Brazil

The concern is still high regarding the evolution of the epidemic in Brazil. The country deplores officially 46 510 deaths, but these data could be very far from reality, according to many experts. Between 11 and 17 June, Brazil has registered 183 686 new cases, more than the United States or in India. The cape of the million of positive cases at Covid-19 since the arrival of the virus in Brazil is expected to be reached in the coming days. The government, however, continues to communicate messages of encouragement, assuring that the situation is under control, the position of a president Jair Bolsonaro refractory containment measures implemented by the governors of the states and supporting the thesis that the consequences of economic of these restrictions could cause damage far more serious than those caused by the virus.

Coronavirus in Spain

The Spanish government announced Thursday that he would unfortunately have to revise upwards the balance of the epidemic in the country, with a total of dead is expected to reach 28 000 deaths instead of the 27 136 identified so far, a total which has not changed since the beginning of June after a change in the method of calculation. This change had led to the criticism from the opposition who accused the government of hiding the real figures of mortality. The delay by some regions, competent in matters of health, in sending their data would cause this change to come the numbers, ” explained the epidemiologist Fernando Simon, spokesperson, special committee for the management of the disease.

the date of The 1st July is the next cap set by the Spanish government in the framework of the déconfinement, even if the state of alert runs until 21 June, to limit travel. The reopening of the borders to tourists is scheduled for the beginning of July. The football championship has resumed on Thursday. In addition, many cultural venues have also opened their doors. In contrast, the schools will re-open in September.

Coronavirus in Italy

Thursday, 18 June, Italy has announced 66 deaths of more in 24 hours (compared to 43 the previous day), bringing the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic to 34 514. Two outbreaks were discovered in Italy in the last few days in Rome. The situation at the hospital San Raffaele Pisana, an institute specializing in neurological rehabilitation, is followed closely after the advertisement of 113 cases and 5 deaths. The authorities show themselves to be reassuring, the regional advisor of health, ensuring that the situation is now under control. “We’ve got some lack of attention, as the young nightlife scene, and so on, but in Italy, most people continue to wear the mask and apply the distancing physical”, it also ensures Massio Andreoni, head of the department of infectious diseases at the hospital Tor Vergata of Rome, interviewed by La Depeche du Midi. He warns, however, the Italians : “The virus will continue to circulate and we’ll have the sudden reappearance of a few outbreaks. If there is a second wave, this will be our fault. This will mean that we will not have been able to apply what we have learned from the situation in the spring”.

Coronavirus in the United Kingdom

The last balance sheet reported in the United Kingdom was Thursday, June 18-135 more deaths in 24 hours (compared to 184 the previous day). In total, the country has 42 288 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic to more than 300, 000 cases positive. According to the office for national statistics (ONS), the number of deaths attributed to the new coronavirus is nevertheless higher than that announced by the ministry of Health, and the overall balance would be in reality more than 50 000 victims of the Covid-19, taking into account the actual number of deceased persons in retirement homes.

The Uk is also continuing with its déconfinement progressive, including the partial reopening of the schools since the beginning of the month. The return is done by age groups for primary schools with pupils aged from 4 to 6 hasns and from 10 to 11 years. All stores were allowed to reopen on Monday, June 15, with the implementation of precautionary measures (limitation of the number of customers inside, markings on the ground to facilitate the detachment physics…). The port of the mask is also mandatory in the transport. For the reopening of bars and restaurants, it will be necessary, however, to wait for the 4th of July.

Coronavirus in Germany

This Friday, June 19, the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases (RKI), in charge of monitoring the epidemic in Germany, reported 770 cases of more than the day before for a total of 188 354 positive cases at Covid-19 since the beginning of the epidemic. 16 additional deaths were also identified, bringing the total balance to 8872 dead.

Several clusters have been identified over the last few days, including one in the capital berlin with 57 confirmed cases. “We realized very quickly that entire buildings were concerned, and that we had to place them in quarantine,” said Martin Hikel, district mayor of Neukölln, in remarks picked up by Euronews. “What is also new, and special, is that here, the housing conditions are very uncomfortable, and that it is not easy to limit the promiscuity or being locked up for two weeks to eight persons in a two-room”, he stressed. Another important focus of contamination was also again found in a slaughterhouse in North Rhine Westphalia in Gütersloh near Bielefeld. Not less than 370 employees have been tested positive Covid-19, leading to the closure of schools until the 26th of June, the date of the beginning of the school holidays.

Germany has also launched its application for tracing called Corona-Warn-App and using Bluetooth technology to identify and prevent persons who have been in contact with a patient, tested positive for the Covid-19. The download is free and volunteer-based but the application is based on a protocol validated by Apple and Google. The authorities promise better privacy of the data, the history information being stored in the phone itself. According to a survey published by ZDF, only 42% of people surveyed said they were ready to download.

Coronavirus in Portugal

The data can be confirmed, Portugal is facing an increase of the contamination at the Covid-19. While the peak of the epidemic requiring the state health alert had been set at 300 per day, it has been regularly reached these last days. Thursday, June 18, the Directorate-general of Health has formalized 417 new cases in 24 hours, of which 325 in the region of Lisbon and that of the Val-de-Tajo, very close. This area of the Portuguese capital records the most new cases since June, since 86% of these cases were detected, more than 4600 on the 5300 saved. The Porto region remains for the time being, the most affected by the coronavirus, but the situation in Lisbon is therefore particularly followed.

The country heard yet wet on her good numbers, and its status as a safe destination to attract european tourists… and begins to know ! Portugal has indeed weathered the wave of the Covid-19 that many of its neighboring countries, and continues its déconfinement progressive to prepare for the return of tourists. The government has recently introduced a mobile application “Info Praia” on the terms of opening of the beaches this summer. We have included on this application, information about the rate of occupation of beaches as well as a color code for whether the beach is open in “dynamic” mode (walk permitted only) or if it is possible to cover it with his towel. The dating of the beaches could be monitored and reduced by half compared to usual, but their access could remain free.

The priority is the return of tourism and communication campaigns to multiply. The country has been awarded the “Safe Travels”, a first in Europe. “This label allows travelers to recognize the governments and companies around the world that have adopted standardized protocols in the area of health and hygiene, so that consumers can travel safely once the restrictions lifted,” said the government. No quarantine will be in place this summer.

Coronavirus in Belgium

This Friday, June 19, the ministry of Public Health has provided a new review on the evolution of the epidemic in the country. Thursday, 128 new infections have been identified, and 20 new patients have been admitted to the hospital. At the same time, 27 patients were able to leave the hospital beds. He remains in Belgium 340 hospitalized patients, including 55 in the intensive care unit. 12 new deaths were reported, bringing the total balance to 9695 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. “The evolution of the different indicators is on the decline. However, the virus has not disappeared from the territory of belgium. Continue, therefore, to apply the tips to protect you and your loved ones”, warns the ministry of Health, who noted a decrease in the number of deaths related to the Covid-19 of 7% to 9% per day and the number of confirmed cases of 2% to 5% each day.

Coronavirus in Africa

The last balance sheet published on Thursday 18 June by the african Centre of prevention and control of disease was 268 391 cases confirmés on the entire continent to 7 217 deaths. South Africa remains the most affected country, with more than 80,000 reported cases but the déconfinement progressive continues. On Wednesday, the president Cyril Ramaphosa has announced the next reopening of the restaurants, but also hair salons, barber shops or cinemas.

In Senegal, where the account 5475 confirmed cases for 76 deaths, the schools will also gradually re-open, according to RFI. The date would be June 25, for students enrolled in classes, review (CM2, 3rd and Terminal). The schools had been closed last march 14.