CORONAVIRUS WORLD. The Covid-19 continues to spread around the world. The race to the vaccine intensifies, while some nations are taking restrictive measures such as curfews, or even reconfinements partial. Here are the latest figures from the coronavirus on the globe.

Summary Map of the coronavirus Statistics of the coronavirus Brazil United States China India Germany Belgium Spain Italy Portugal United-Kingdom

[updated October 30, 2020 18: 10] According to Worldometers, there are 45 million people have been infected by the coronavirus since the start of the global pandemic. 1.1 million people died as a result of their infection. However, 33 million individuals are cured of the Covid-19. It is in the United States, India and Brazil that the virus has killed the most. These three countries, respectively, have identified approximately nine million, eight million and five million cases. In Europe, three countries have now surpassed the symbolic one million of contamination : Russia, France and then Spain.

Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) has published a ranking determinant, in order, the countries that manage best to the pandemic of sars coronavirus (see here). 252 nations are classified with several notes, which cover different critical criteria : efficiency and effectiveness of their respective government, efficiency of the quarantine, or the preparation of the States facing an emergency situation. According to the data collected by the site until 23 August, it was Germany that was in the lead with 762,64 points. The New Zealand and South Korea could then take the second and third places. The classification is not fabulous for the first world power. The United States is in the 55th position with 532,56 points. For example, the accessibility of health care is at the height of 79,94. As A comparison, Germany is 103,73. France is hardly in a better position than its counterpart in us. With 542,4 points, the Hexagon takes the 54th place, and is outclassed on all fronts by its neighbor beyond the Rhine. The item the most significant concerns the monitoring and the detection of cases of Covid-19. If Germany shines with its 138,24 points awarded on this criterion, 57,24 points are pale France. Finally, India and Brazil, two countries highly affected by the epidemic, are, respectively, the 80th and 66th places of the classification of DKG.

the map of The coronavirus in the world

Statistics of the coronavirus

Statistics of the countries most affected by the coronavirus in October 30, 2020 (source : Worldometers)

a Country Number of cases New cases deaths New deaths 1. United States 9,219,679 +6,912 234,244 +67 2 India 8,089,593 +1,547 121,144 +13 3 Brazil 5,496,402 159,033 4 Russia 1,599,976 +18,283 27,656 +355 5 France 1,282,769 36,020 6 Spain 1,238,922 35,639 7 Argentina 1,143,800 30,442 8 British 1,053,122 30,926 9 United Kingdom 965,340 45,955 10 Mexico 912,811 +5,948 90,773 +464 11 Peru 897,594 34,362 12 South Africa 721,770 19,164 13 Italy 616,595 38,122 14 Iran 604,952 +8,011 34,478 +365 15 Germany 507,608 +9,255 10,483 +48 16 Chile 507,050 14,118 17 Iraq 470,633 +2,878 10,862 +47 18 Indonesia 406,364 +1,604 13,782 +81 19 Bangladesh 406,945 +4,369 5,905 +19 20 Belgium 392,258 +23,921 11,308 +138 21 Philippines 378,933 +2,006 7,185 +38 22 Ukraine 378,729 +8,312 7,041 +173 23 Turkey 370,832 10,099 24 Saudi Arabia 346,880 +398 5,383 +20 25 Netherlands 341,374 +11,119 7,345 +87 26 Poland 340,834 +21,629 5,351 +202 27 Pakistan 332,186 +1,078 6,795 +20 28 Israel 313,701 +587 2,514 +6 29 Czech Republic 310,068 2,862 30 Romania 235,586 +6,546 6,867 +103 31 Canada 228,542 10,074 32 Morocco 212,038 3,572 33 Nepal 168,235 +3,517 920 +16 34 Ecuador 166,302 12,622 35 Switzerland 154,251 +9,207 2,242 +42 36 Bolivia 141,484 +163 8,705 +11 37 Portugal 137,272 +4,656 2,468 +40 38 Qatar 132,343 +193 232 +1 39 Panama 132,045 2,678 40 united arab Emirates 131,508 +1,172 490 +2 America Coronavirus in Brazil

Jair Bolsonaro has cancelled the acquisition of 46 million doses of the CoronaVac, from the chinese laboratory Sinovac Biotech. These doses, however, had already been announced by the minister of Health of the head of the brazilian State in person. This cancellation does not seem trivial, since this vaccine is approved by one of the fervent opponents of the president : Joao Doria. The latter is the governor of the State of the most mournful of the country, Sao Paulo. Jair Bolsonaro had even designated the CoronaVac as “the vaccine chinese Joao Doria”. The president stated that Brazil was not going to “not buy a vaccine that nobody cares about”. Yet, according to the journal Nature, more than 85% of Brazilians are willing to go to get vaccinated.

A doctor of 28 years, having volunteered to participate in the testing of the vaccine against the coronavirus, has died of Covid-19. The vaccine was developed by the university of Oxford in collaboration with the laboratory AstraZeneca. According to sources of Bloomberg and the journal of the brazilian O Globo, the practitioner would have received, not the vaccine but a placebo. The phase 3 testing of this vaccine, however, is not suspended. “After the analysis of this case in Brazil, there has been no concern about the safety of these clinical tests and the independent committee, as well as the regulating agency in brazil, and have recommended the continuation of these tests,” said the university of Oxford in a press release.

according To RTL, the Brazil has an unemployment rate at the height of 13.8%, a record. The IMF believes that the country’s economy is expected to contract by 5.8% in 2020, before know&i