
  • Page 1 — Suddenly a teacher
  • Page 2 — do not overwhelm students
  • Page 3 — no hassle-free entry
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    I have never attended a pedagogy seminar since my school days no longer put a foot in a classroom. Neverless, today I will be teaching in an eighth grade interest note. Because who, like me, graduated in mamatics, he can do this without teaching. So much is lacking in trained teachers and teachers. I want to understand what it feels like to be a newcomer in school – and dare to experiment.

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    On a Wednesday morning, it’s eight o’clock, so I walk over grey-paved schoolyard of Clay’s high school in Berlin-Neukölln. At table tennis tables in front of huge building with flat roof laughter a few teenagers, a little furr back you hear dull bouncing of a basketball, most students are already in ir classrooms. I open quietly squeaky swing door to natural science wing and meet math teacher Michael Zielonkowski, whose eighth Grade I will take over today. My heart is knocking.

    Already in hallway, at orange-red-yellow spiders, first students come to us. Mr. Zielonkowski will guide you in a friendly manner, but definitely in classroom. On blackboard re are still words from English classes, on window sill a daylight projector is ready for use. Although more than ten years have passed since my own Abitur, all this still feels strangely familiar. Only that today all children’s eyes are so expectantly focused on me, that is different.

    What do eighth graders understand?

    The day before I had bent over a somewhat abgewetztes, BlauesAchte-Class Mabuch, prepared lessons – and felt completely overwhelmed. It was difficult for me to think of me a appropriate example of my subject, introduction of interest rate formula. I also lacked sense of what Achtklässlerverstehen would be: How well would you remember percentage bill? Would you can independently adjust formulas? The rescue finally came, wiekönnte it be different from Google: “Teaching draft interest bill” had found Icheingegeben and some sort of game. I had printed small slips of paper with values that students are about to arrange today and to discover interest formula playfully. Soon I also had a plan of how I would n Formelneinführen. Although lessons were prepared, meineNerven were naked in evening before hour.

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    Back in classroom I play my nervousness, question is casual, who of students have a savings account. Just hesitantly go a few hands up. Then we discuss interest and banks. Most people know that at end of year y get a share of ir money as interest. Where banks take this money, nobody. “Axleo”, murmurs it through benches, when I explain that money is lent to ors by means of loans – teaching is fun for me.

    The game also works, although two girls in back row are done with task before ors have even understood what y are supposed to do. At meeting, same three are always reported, except for two girls, a boy with attentive look and dark hair. I would like to include ors in discussion. But I still can’t manage to respond to different levels of performance.

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    Slowly you notice Achtklässlern that double hour is advanced, you become more and more restless. Several times I call for rest, but class is not really quiet anymore. At any moment mood might tilt, I’m afraid. Then I’m through with my prepared program – 15 minutes early.