curfew. In force since 2 January, the curfew as early as 18 hours would have a positive impact on the epidemic, even if it is still a little premature to draw definitive conclusions. What are the rules ?

Summary Departments curfew to 18h Time of the curfew Exceptions to the curfew Attestation of the curfew, Penalties and fines of the curfew Duration and end date of the curfew

[updated January 22, 2021 at 14: 55] The effect of “curfew” would it already be “felt”, as stated by the minister of Health on France Inter on the 19th of January ? “According to the figures I had available last night, we saw that in the fifteen departments had been placed under curfew for 18 hours from the 2 January, the impact and the number of new diagnoses were rather in decline”, explained Olivier Véran a fortnight after the introduction of a curfew for 18 hours in fifteen departments. According to the minister, this development represents a decrease of 16% on a week. As a reminder, the incidence rate is the number of positive cases in a week for 100 000 inhabitants. At the national level, the trial may seem conclusive, but regional disparities are observed in some territories particularly affected by the virus, including The Nièvre or the Alpes-Maritimes. As explained by the mathematician Jean-Stéphane Dhersin on franceinfo, this “best behaviour” in the first fifteen departments should not be “surinterprété” compared to 86 other departments.

Another point to take into account : hospitalizations, a key criterion for the teacher-researcher Pascal Crépey, who “prefers to wait for the impact of hospital admissions”, to evaluate the success of this measure. In an interview on franceinfo, the expert believes that this indicator is in the hospital is “much more stable than the impact”. Moreover, it is still a little early to determine if the progress of the curfew has helped reduce the number of serious cases of the disease, these severe forms will not interfer in general 15 to 20 days after contamination. It is thus necessary to wait a little to have a wider vision of the benefits of the curfew.

For the time being, this measure reduces the travel authorized after 18 hours on the national territory. Several reasons are now more accepted : the extra-curricular activities (music, sport, etc), the walks to stretch your legs or even racing after 18 hours in the stores (which are closed) are therefore prohibited. Since a few days, you will notice that several shops have taken the decision to bring forward the opening hours to avoid traffic congestion on the weekends and around 16/17 hours.

On the other hand, certain exemptions are beautiful and well planned : the outputs of the pets, the connections by public transport, childcare, home delivery or pickup at school. Of course, fill out the certificate for exceptional travel will always be a requirement for any out-of-home. As a reminder, any breach of these rules, as we will discuss in our article below, may be subject to a fine of 135 euros. According to figures released by the ministry of the Interior near 5900 minutes have been prepared as early as Saturday evening.

What counties were already affected by a curfew at 18 ? If you do not see the map, click here.

If all metropolitan départements are affected by the curfew from 18 hours this Saturday, 16 January, 25 departments were already affected by the earlier curfew. The Cher and the Allier, Côte-d’or, Haut-Rhin and the Bas-Rhin département, the Vaucluse, the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Bouches-du-Rhone, had joined the 15 counties that have initiated the extension. It was of the Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-Maritimes, Ardennes, Doubs, the Jura, Marne, Haute-Marne, Meurthe and Moselle, of the Meuse, Haute-Saône, Vosges, the Territoire de Belfort, Moselle, Nièvre and the Saône-and-Loire. Two other departments have also chosen to apply this curfew has been strengthened since the Tuesday, January 12 : the Var and the Drome. Also note that the Guyana said Friday the progress of the curfew at 19 hours on Saturday for five municipalities. Are concerned : Cayenne, Rémire-Montjoly, Matoury, Macouria and Kourou.

Why these departments were affected by this curfew strengthened ? The ministry of Health has factually established two criteria to develop the list of departments affected by the measure : an incidence rate greater than 200 and/or an incidence rate of elderly persons higher than 200. Jerome Solomon has given other elements of the explanation in the Journal of Sunday, the 3rd of January. “These are areas where it is cooler and where the virus circulates, therefore, more”, had indicated the director general of Health. It is also of border areas, more rural, with populations more vulnerable.

the RULES OF The curfew

as a reminder, if freedom of movement is returned to the rule since the 15th of December in France, with the end of the containment stricto sensu, this is only valid during the day. For the second time, the country is indeed subject to the rule of curfew in order to control the epidemic of the coronavirus while allowing