The former minister Claude Goasguen died Thursday. This figure of the right, paris has died due to the coronavirus.

Summary Coronavirus municipal 2020

Mayor of the 16th arrondissement of Paris for nearly ten years, Claude Goasguen is dead, we learn this Thursday, via the AFP. This figure of the right had contracted the coronavirus that is several weeks, before being hospitalized at the end of march. At the age of 75 years, he was able to recover from the illness, after 22 days of intensive care. The former municipal official “was better”, according to his family, he “remarchait”. But cardiac complications are involved and it is at 9 o’clock this Thursday morning that a heart attack has caused his death.

Claude Goasguen leaves behind him an important career of mayor, but also member of parliament for nearly 23 years, in turn in the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth districts of the capital. He was still in office until his death. Also minister, but much more briefly, he has directed the public Service, the equivalent of the Action and of public accounts today, between may and November 1995. Since the beginning of the crisis of the coronavirus, he is the second former member of government to die of coronavirus, after Patrick Devedjian.

reactions to the death of Claude Goasguen have poured in since the announcement of the death of the former minister. “Claude Goasguen just gone, taken away by this bastard off. Regardless of what the policy may say, it was my friend and I was hers, for twenty years. And we both knew it”, writes, for example, François Bayrou on Twitter. Gilles, The Son-in-law, the leader of the deputies LREM, spoke of a “figure and a great voice of the national Assembly”. Nicolas Sarkozy has also responded to the death of Claude Goasguen. “My political family loses one of its own. Claude Goasguen has dedicated his life to his commitment. He loved the field and the vicinity, he defended his convictions with energy, he was whole. An elected official that will. I think to his family and extend my most sincere condolences,” wrote the former head of the State.

Claude Goasguen, a victim of the coronavirus

The former mayor of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, had contracted the Covid-19 in the course of the month of march, developing severe symptoms of the disease. He had been admitted in the intensive care unit where he remained in an induced coma for 22 days. According to his entourage, quoted by AFP, the former minister was released from better. It “remarchait,” added his entourage, but complications are introduced by the following, causing the cardiac arrest that cost him his life Thursday 28 may 2020 to the hospital Corentin-Celton Issy-Les-Moulineaux, south of Paris.

Claude Goasguen, a candidate in the municipal 2020