It is through the intermediary of a post to Instagram of his son Nicolas as one learns about the death of Guy Bedos actor and comedian French was 85 years old.

Summary Biography of Guy Bedos Guy Bedos young His greatest skits The women in his life: His children, His son, Nicolas, His films

The basics

The comedian Guy Bedos has died, announced his son, Nicolas Bedos, Thursday 28 may 2020. It is in a post published on his account Instagram official that the comedian and director, announces the death of his father : “”it was beautiful, It was funny, it was free and courageous. As I am proud of you to have had the father. Embraces Desproges and Dabadie. Seen that you are all in Paradise”, he wrote, with a photo of Guy Bedos in black and white. We don’t have yet more details about the circumstances of the death of the comedian. Guy Bedos was 85 years old.


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18:53 – The greatest skits of Guy Bedos

Guy Bedos had several strings to his bow : writer, actor, he is however best known for his sketches mordants and his sharp quill. He made his debut in the 1960s, in the music hall, and then on stage alongside Sophie Daumier, who became his wife. She has many sketches of exception, as The Dredge, which reveals to the public, but also happy birthday Paulette, The phone Book, or even Vote. After more than 40 years of career, he officially took his retirement in 2013, where he gave his last one-man show.

18:50 – what is dead Guy Bedos ?

Guy Bedos passed away at the age of 85 years. In his tribute on Instagram, Nicolas Bedos has not clarified the circumstances of the death of his father, which are thus for the time being not known. He knew no illness.

18:45 – a tribute to Nicolas Bedos to his father Guy Bedos

The death of Guy Bedos has been announced on the social networks by his son, Nicolas, Thursday 28 may 2020. The director and actor has paid tribute to her father on Instagram : “”it was beautiful, It was funny, it was free and courageous. As I am proud of you to have had the father. Embraces Desproges and Dabadie. Seen that you are all in Paradise”. A photo of Guy Bedos in black and white accompanies this moving message.

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A publication shared by Nicolas Bedos (@nicolasbedosofficiel) May 28, 2020 at 9 :02 am PDT

18:40 – Guy Bedos is death

Nicolas Bedos announced on Thursday 28 may 2020 that her father, Guy Bedos, died. The comedian, who had also shone on the boards of a theatre or the cinema, was 85 years old. For the time being, the circumstances of his death have not been communicated.

Biography of Guy Bedos © NANA PRODUCTIONS/SIPA

Guy Bedos is a comedian, actor and screenwriter born on June 15, 1934 in Algiers. It is known for its comedy but also for his roles in films such as An elephant that misleads enormously and its sequel We’ll all be in paradise.

Youth and vocation

Very young, it develops the desire to become an artist. When he arrived in Paris in 1949 with his family, he decides to leave the family house to sell books door to door. He enrolled at 17 years in the school of theatre of the rue Blanche. A few months later, he played Harlequin polished by love, a play by Marivaux. He then goes to the scenes in the cabaret. It is Jacques Prévert, who then encouraged to write skits and create a career stand-up comedian.

Its greatest skits

Guy Bedos began his career in 1965, with the sides of Barbara’s music hall. But it is beside Sophie Daumier as he started propelling his career comedian. Due to this duet, several sketches, such as The dredge or holiday in Marrakech. When the duo split up, Guy Bedos decided to go solo : he specializes in sketches of vitriol and its humoir hair scratch, often dealing with policy. One owes him in particular happy birthday Paulette, The phone Book, or even Vote. He gave his last one-man show to the Olympia in 2013, after more than 40 years of career.

The women in his life

Guy Bedos was a man to woman and often took his relationships with the other sex as the subjects of his sketches. He was first married to the actress and novelist Karen Blanguernon. To this union was born his eldest daughter, Leslie. After the separation of the couple, the comedian married his partner of scene, the actress and comedian Sophie Daumier in 1965. The couple had a daughter, Mélanie, in 1977. Guy Bedos also adopts the son of his partner, Philippe, who died in 2010 of Huntington’s disease. Sophie Daumier and Guy Bedos disbanded in 1977 after ten years of relationship. He married the year after, Joëlle Bercot, who gives him two children : Nicolas Bedos, and a last daughter, Victoria.

Her children

Guy Bedos has been married three times and had five children avec his different wives. With Karen Blanguemon, he had a daughter, Leslie, in 1957. Of her union with Sophie Daumier were born two children : Mélanie in 1977, and Philip was born in 1974 and passed away in 2010 of Huntington’s disease. Finally, with Joëlle Bercot, Guy Bedos has had two children : Nicolas, born in 1979 and Victoria in 1983.

His son, Nicolas Bedos