Even if the chances of Edouard Philippe to remain Prime minister are real, the signs announcing his departure from Matignon multiply in recent times.

Edouard Philippe will he leave the prime minister on the occasion of the redesign ? This is the major issue of this political sequence that is decisive for the end of the quinquennium, Emmanuel Macron, who wishes to initiate a new direction for post-crisis of the sars coronavirus. For the head of State, the choice is not easy, it is necessary to determine between the sacrifice of a Prime minister popular, and the opportunity to provide a new impetus, to reinvent, to two years of the presidential election. Currently, Emmanuel Macron “is in the process of stop the line” of the structure to give the reshuffle and “the cast will follow logically and naturally”, have informed his relatives in the AFP.

so Nothing is stopped, Edouard Philippe could very well continue his mission, but yet, some of the clues lean towards a departure, or rather a return of Norman to the position of mayor of le Havre. The municipal, indeed, have been the result of an equation quite ambivalent to the head of the government. His large victory, further proof of its popularity, is facing the rout in the camp LREM, leaded by alliance with The Republicans – the political family of Edouard Philippe – who have undoubtedly not worked out.

in addition, the green wave that has swept through several major French cities could leave traces, in the face of a Prime minister, not really sure to be able to wear, with the incarnation necessary, ambitions, environmentalists set out on Monday by the president at the reception at the Elysee, of the 150 members of the ‘Convention’.

Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”

A desire on the part of Emmanuel Macron to make a left turn, more social, therefore, is also part of the persistent rumours and, indeed, the potential successors of Edouard Philippe mentioned everywhere in the press leave little room for doubt : Florence Parly, former of the PS and Jospin government, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the iconic minister of the quinquennium Holland, or even Laurence Tubiana, a diplomat of the left…

anyway, Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”, as did its close to the Figaro, when a minister insists on the fact that Emmanuel Macron is going to have to be diplomatic, regardless of his or her choice. “It will not he humiliates in the process, because it is a man, Edward, who has his pride…”, says this member of the government, also quoted by Le Figaro.