the call of the committee “The truth to Adama,” new demonstrations for Adama Traoré, the young man who died in 2016, following his arrest in Beaumont-sur-Oise, will take place in Paris and in the rest of the country.

A new call to protest was launched by the committee “The truth to Adama” for this Saturday, June 13. This is a new time to claim the recognition of the responsibility of the policemen who conducted the arrest of Adama Traoré in Beaumont-sur-Oise before his death on July 19, 2016. Until then, and despite appeals, it was concluded that the death of the young 24-year old man is not related to a “positional asphyxia”, which could open the door to the liability of the constables in the death.

The collective has not given up on his version of the story is heard, and in this sense, therefore, rallies will take place this Saturday, with the highlight being the event in paris. “The family of Adama Traoré recalls that it expects improvements in the judicial system, and invitations to the discussion that there would be no purpose procedural”, tweeted the committee earlier this week, announcing that the gathering of the capital would be “starting at the Place de la République at 14: 30” in the direction of Opera.