The great barometer on the presidential 2022 of the internet user each month the opinion of the French on the rival Emmanuel Macron. This month, a focus is made on the possibility of a nomination of Eric Zemmour.

Every month, in exclusive for the institute for the study of international YouGov polls a representative sample of the French population on the next French presidential election. What personalities would be better than Emmanuel Macron as president of the Republic ? What are the expectations of the public for this campaign ? The voters of Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the 2017 count-they revoter for him ? Discover the lessons learned from the 2nd wave of our great barometer is a monthly presidential 2022, conducted from 15 to February 16, 2021.

The presidential election 2022 approach. If the campaign has not yet started, and if the spirits are still very concerned about the health crisis, the main political parties advance their pawns, just like certain persons who have an interest in the Elysée palace. More than a year of the election, our survey demonstrates that the majority of French people think that Emmanuel Macron will not be renewed. But at the same time, they consider themselves very clearly, at this stage, that no rival would be a better president than him.

The issue of news : the assumption Eric Zemmour

This month, YouGov became interested for the internet user to the manner in which the opinion considers the possibility of a nomination of Eric Zemmour to the presidential election in 2022. The Express dated February 10, ensures that the polemicist “plans to introduce themselves, he “consults, lets his supporters organize, and prepare the ground” for measuring the opportunity to get in the race for the Elysée, indicates the media. Current values, to be released this Thursday, February 18, has made an Ifop survey with this question : “Would you be willing to vote for Eric Zemmour if he was a candidate for the next presidential election in 2022 ?”. 13% of the respondents answered “yes”.

According to the YouGov poll for the internet user, such an application would be a true echo in public opinion. 21% of French say they are in effect “in favour” of a nomination of Eric Zemmour. 59%, in contrast, do not want the polemicist of CNews and Figaro launches.

A nomination of Eric Zemmour could change things in this presidential election : it would compete with, in the first place, those of Marine Le Pen and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and the latter would no doubt be required to enter into discussions to discuss the dispersions of the voice. A major question arises : who would be the best representative of the right of sovereignty and nationalist ? Eric Zemmour can it really do a better candidate than the policies of their career, who have the experience of campaigns and the management of the devices ? According to our survey, the French are already divided on this point. 16% think that Eric Zemmour would make a “better candidate” than Marine Le Pen, 20% think that it would be a “less good” candidate. 41% believe that it would “neither better nor worse”.

Zemmour best candidate that Pen to a majority of voters “right”

But the survey takes on another dimension when we look more closely at the responses of those surveyed who say they are supporters of the right. These are, in fact, 27% believe that Eric Zemmour would make a better candidate Marine Le Pen, 24% think that it would be less good. Voters “left” are only 11% think that it would be better than the president of the RN to represent the nationalist right and 51% consider that these two candidates would be worth.

RESULTS of the barometer Emmanuel Macron will he be re-elected in 2022, according to you ?

The French, more than a year of the presidential election, are more likely to think that the head of State will not be re-elected for a second term as the opposite.

Who would make a better president Emmanuel Macron ?

This is the main teaching of our barometer, which will be updated every month : for the second consecutive month, no rival, Emmanuel Macron, sensed for an application or already a candidate for the presidential election in 2022, would be a better president of the Republic, according to the respondents. 27% of French people think that Marine Le Pen would make a better head of the State, against 26% in January, 58% think the opposite (61% in January) ; 18% of French people think that Jean-Luc Mélenchon would make a better president (19% in January) ; 20% think that Xavier Bertrand would make a better president (17% in January).

The French want a new offer policy for 2022 and nominations unique

54% of the French are hoping that a “new political force” emerges for the next presidential election (53% in January). If the political landscape was not to be upset until then, the French seem to want the lines move.

• A single application to the left ?

As a result, 41% of respondents (+0 since January) say they are in favour of a single candidate on the left, compared to only 26% who do not want it, and 26% who do not yet know. But what are the political parties should participate in this single application to the left ? 55% of respondents in favour of a union of the left cite the socialist Party, 46% cite Europe Ecology-The Greens, 36% cite The France Insoumise, 31% of the communist Party, 29% for the republican Left and socialist (GRS), 27% workers ‘ Struggle (LO), 21% of Generation.s, 20% of the republican Movement and citizen (MRC).

• A single application to the right ?

38% of the French want a single application to the right (+4), 28% did not support this (-3), and 34% say they do not yet know. Among those who say they are favourable to the alliance right, 50% want to see The Republicans, 30% of The Republic, Walking, 27% to the MoDem, 28%, the Union of democrats and independents (UDI). 32% say the national Gathering, 23% of the Union populaire républicaine (UPR), 22% Standing in France, 15% of The Patriots.

That will be in 2022 voters in the second round of the presidential election 2017 ?

Our survey also focuses on the choices the electorate that voted Emmanuel Macron in the second round, in 2017, and to those who have made the election of Marine Le Pen. The conclusion is clear : the electorate of the winner of the 2nd round, with many wanting to divert Emmanuel Macron, while the electoral base of Marine Le Pen seems more engaged. Remember that Emmanuel Macron was attended by more than 66% of the vote and Marine Le Pen’s 34%.

• What will those who have voted for Emmanuel Macron ?

• What will those who voted for Marine Le Pen ?

A disengagement pronounced vis-à-vis the political

another teaching of our barometer confirms the suspicion and sometimes the discouragement of citizens in the face of the policy. Nearly one in two French feel disengaged from the political (48%), a figure that rises to 63% among 45-54 year-olds.

The most important themes in the eyes of the French in February 2021

If the first round of the presidential election had taken place in January 2021, the five subjects that fall more in the account at the time of the vote would be the social protection (40%), employment (39%), the management of the health crisis (34%), the environment (27%) and immigration (26%).