In first quarter of 2018, deportations by church asylum were delayed or prevented in 498 cases. This was shared by Federal Ministry in response to a small inquiry by AfD Bundestag group. 2017 had been a total of 1,478 cases.

In total re were 2018 507 cases of Church asylum in first quarter, last year 1,551 cases and 2016 in period from May to December 631 cases. The AfD had also asked for statistical information on origin of protection seekers. The Ministry replied that such information would not be collected. The ministry did not answer question of how many cases migrants were granted asylum in Germany.

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Three years ago, Federal Office of Migration and refugees, with representatives of two large churches, had made a legally binding agreement on procedure for asylum of church. According to Ministry, this agreement provides that “special hardships in Dublin procedure are controlled by designated church representatives” and presented to a central office in Federal Office “for re-examination”.

No legal entitlement to toleration

At beginning of May, Higher Regional court in Munich decided that re was no legal entitlement to toleration by church asylum. “Church Asylum does not forbid State to act,” said presiding judge at time. This also includes a deportation from church rooms. Since church asylum is not a legal institution of its own, it does not give itself any entitlement to toleration.