According to ir own data, Belgian authorities have prevented an attack on Iranian exiles in France. A 38-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman – both with Iranian roots – were arrested on Saturday in Belgium under suspicion of preparation of a terrorist attack, shared Brussels Public Prosecutor’s Office and Secret Service in a joint Explanation. An investigating magistrate has issued a suspected warrant.

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In car of couple, a bag of explosives and an ignition device had been ensured in a culture pouch. The bomb had now been blown up in a controlled manner. There was no danger for Belgium, authorities made clear.

The aim of assassination plans was to provide an assembly of opposition National Resistance Council of Iran (NCRI) last Saturday in Villepinte near Paris. Every year exiled Iranians gar re to rally against Iranian regime. 25,000 people took part in event on Saturday, including lawyer of US president Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani. The NCRI is an umbrella organization of Iranian exile groups aiming to end reign of Shiite clergy in Iran.

In connection with arrests in Belgium, a diplomat of Iranian Embassy in Austria was also questioned in Germany and anor person was arrested in France, authorities continued to inform. The Iranian diplomat is supposed to have connections with two suspects.

In a communication, NCRI made Iranian regime responsible for alleged attack plan. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif, on or hand, expressed doubts about planned attack: “How practical: when we leave for a presidential visit (Switzerland, Austria) to Europe, an alleged Iranian operation is revealed and two ( Iranians) arrested, “wrote Sarif on Twitter. He described incident and its connection to Iran as dubious. The government in Tehran is neverless prepared to cooperate with relevant authorities in investigation of case, foreign Minister wrote.