James B. Stengle

It is time to take the gloves off with our “accidental” Governor Kate Brown.  Her lack of knowledge, insight and leadership on our natural resources should be disturbing to all Oregonians. 

Consider the commercial gill net fishery on the lower Columbia River.  By law, commercial gill nets were to be removed from the Columbia River this year. The harvest allocation was to shift significantly to sports anglers and away from commercial harvesters.  Why? Because the gill nets indiscriminately kill federally protected salmon and steelhead. 

The Legislature made provisions for gillnetters to continue their work in off-channel areas while increasing hatchery production for targeted fisheries that are off-limits to sport anglers.  The measures are funded by sport anglers fishing in the Columbia River and its tributaries.  But our governor has appointed a former gill net lobbyist to the Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission. 

Now the provisions to protect salmon and steelhead have not been implemented.  Commercial gill nets will continue to kill listed salmon. Our governor had promised the sports fishing industry that she would “take action” against the rogue commission if they did anything to impair the law.  But she has done nothing.

Separately, the Elliott State Forest on our South Coast is up for sale to a timber company that partnered with a tribe.  State forestry managers claim they can’t make a profit off timber sales because of federal and state environmental protections.  If the state can’t make a profit off timber sales, why would a timber company be able to make a profit?  Selling off our public lands to the highest bidder is wrong at every level. 

The Elliott State Forest is crucial to the recovery of salmon, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet and watershed health.  Such public lands are the anchors for any restoration efforts.  Yet our governor is unclear in her role on the State Land Board, which will decide the fate of the Elliott. Our public lands should not be for sale to any buyer. 

I am concerned that the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has actively worked to suppress scientific findings by other state agencies because of potential impacts to the timber industry. My concern extends to ODF suppressing a water quality report developed by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).  Throughout the governor has been silent.

Is it so hard to do the right thing?  Is it that difficult to follow state and federal laws?

Our state needs strong leadership.  If Gov. Kate Brown continues down her path on key natural resource issues, it may be time to start recall efforts.

James B. Stengle of Troutdale is a retired certified wildlife biologist.

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