After several protests against a controversial advertising campaign, Swedish fashion chain H M has temporarily closed several of its South African branches. The company Gehevor safety of employees and customers. On Sunday some shops of fashion brand were reopened, albeit with increased safety precautions. Four security forces are stationed in front of an H M shop in a shopping centre in Johannesburg.

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On Saturday, demonstrators had protested several shops in fashion range. Six businesses were looted in Johannesburg. People were in an H M store and had stolen items, y told police on Twitter. In a video of news channel ENCA were overthrown mannequins and clos stands, broken mirrors and on floor lying garments in a shop to see. Policemen sometimes went with rubber bullets against demonstrators to drive m apart. Customers or employees were not injured according to H M.

H M-Protesters looting branches in South Africa a racist-criticized advertising campaign by Swedish fashion chain H M was catalyst for protest in South Africa. Protesters had protested in front of individual branches and wreaked havoc in some stores. © Photo: SOCIAL media/Reuters

H M had advertised a sweater with a black child model with imprint “Coolestmonkey in Jungle”, in German: “Coolest monkey in Jungle”. As a result, re was criticism worldwide. The Canadian singer The WEEKD announced his collaboration with label. The group apologized for advertising motif and withdrew it. H M strongly believe that racism and prejudice, wher intentional or unintentional, are unacceptable, declared fashion line on Saturday.

Among protests, left group called Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). “In all of South Africa, H M stores are closed because y have called our children baboons,” said EFF chairman Julius Malema. Anor EFF member, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, said: “The time DerEntschuldigung for racism is over.” There must be consequences for racism.