Each of the three professionals was told to take with him ten foods that they think fits in a ranking of the healthiest foods we can eat in the Norwegian diet.

Then they were behind closed doors to agree on what are the five products that are the very healthiest. It would prove to not be completely easy.

The three selected is a clinical nutritionist Cathrine Borchsenius, head of department Henriette Øien of the Norwegian directorate of Health and professor of nutrition at the University of Oslo, Lene Frost Andersen.

– It is really impossible to choose five foods that are the very healthiest. What is sunnest is all about what you need and what you eat before, ” says Borchsenius.

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expert panel agrees that all of the products are good, but that they must be put together into a whole to get a full diet. From left, Lene Frost Andersen, Cathrine Borchsenius and Henriette Øien.

Photo: Kristin Mehlum / NRK

Then I selected my top ten foods, I thought of a holistic diet. Middagstallerkenen should, for example, have vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. And then it is important carbohydrates that have fiber in them, says Lene Frost Andersen at the Norwegian broadcasting corporation Forbrukerinspektørene.

There are several problems with making such a ranking, according to the experts. Especially since some of us should eat food that is adapted to move down in weight, others to go up in weight. Allergies, one should of course also take into account.

Many of the food-finalists, was widely discussed by professionals, while in others they were quite agreed. The debate about pollutants in salmon was a hot topic of conversation, but where was the conclusion still simple:

– Helsefordelene is greater than any disadvantages, ” says Lene Frost Andersen.

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When it comes to fiberkilder, had professor Andersen taken with fullkornspasta as one of their contributions to the judging.

you Must first select the accessories to the dinner, so I think it is important to choose whole-grain cereals. There have been many good fullkornsprodukter on the market, she believes.

Cathrine Borchsenius is not completely agree.

Although whole grain is good in pasta, I will probably not choose this as one of the best foods. The reason is that many eat too much pasta. It is not a food I believe people should eat more of, sounds her assessment.

But all three experts agree on one thing: Switch out the light pasta with fullkornspasta!

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Almonds are a good alternative to butter, only you don’t eat too many.

Photo: Colourbox

Many think that nuts are not good to eat. Still selected both Borchsenius and Øien to take with almonds among its ten selected products.

– Research actually shows that those who eat a lot of nuts are not the thickest, but rather vice versa. Eat one part nuts, especially between meals, eat less at the next meal. Seen this way, it can actually be vektregulerende.

Henriette Øien will still allow people to fit themselves for eating too much nuts.

– Please note that there is a lot of calories in nuts. The same applies to oil. Even if we say this is healthy, and that it should be used more of at the expense of butter, so is there anything to be aware of the amount, ” she says.

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The judging took Cathrine Borchsenius with an eleventh food. One more than their expert colleagues, that is.

I know that it is a bit cheating, but I was still with coffee as one of my contributions, ” she says. Something many may possibly appreciate.

– I took it because I think people get a bit happy when they hear that coffee is actually healthy, ” she says.

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Every product we have is good. But this must be put together into a whole to get a full-fledged diet, mean Lene Frost Andersen.

What you should be eating more of, depends on what you eat and how active you are, believe Cathrine Borchsenius.

eventually manage the experts to work out a ranking of the five foods.

When we now select the five healthiest, so there is a choice of the products that John doe like to eat more of, ” says Borchsenius.

Lene Frost Andersen totally agree:

– We will not recommend that a diet only consists of five food items. We have also looked at Norwegian food, and considered what is inexpensive and sustainable, ” she says.

And here are the experts ‘ ranking and rationale:

After much discussion was oatmeal, blueberries, extra light milk, mackerel in tomato and carrot designated as the five most healthiest foods.

Photo: Birte Njøsen Horne / NRK fifth PLACE: Milk

Milk is the main source of calcium in the Norwegian diet, and contains iodine. The experts have selected the extra light milk because it is added extra vitamin D. Additional low-fat milk also has a reduced fettmengde compared with other melketyper, and the experts selected this for that we shall not get too much saturated fat.

FOURTH place: Blueberry

Berries are healthy! The experts say a coherent, especially about the dark blue berries such as blueberries. Here you get a lot of antioxidants. The experts believe that we eat too little fruit, as the fine can be one of five a day. You pick the berries yourself, is physical activity a bonus.

THIRD place: Oatmeal

We should eat more whole-grain cereals, and oatmeal are an important source of fiber. Very well suited in many different dishes such as porridge, bread, crisp bread or raw with milk. Oatmeal is rich in vitamin B, iron and other minerals that are good for the body.

SECOND place: Mackerel in tomato sauce

Mackerel in tomato sauce – or other oily fish – are important. The mackerel is rich in omega-3, fatty acids, proteins, vitamins A and D. Oily fish such as mackerel in tomato sauce is a very nutritious food we should eat more of, according to experts.

first PLACE: Carrot

the Winner is the carrot. Vegetables in general are important, and carrot contains a lot of fiber and vitamins, especially carotene.

Everyone likes carrots, served both raw and cooked. They are suitable not only for dinner, but are easy to take with and can be eaten as a snack. Experts emphasize also that the carrot is easily available and norskprodusert.

basically, There’s only three words to say about the carrots: Cheap, healthy and good!

See more about the ranking on the Forbrukerinspektørene. NRK1 tonight at. 19:45, or on the web tv.

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