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Updated 1 hour ago
North Korea isn't the only rogue nation whose missile and nuclear-weapons development bears watching by the Trump administration. U.S. officials say Iran just conducted another missile test that violated a United Nations resolution.
The medium-range ballistic missile was launched from “a well-known test site … about 140 miles east of Tehran” and “flew 600 miles before exploding, in a failed test of a reentry vehicle,” Fox News reports. Detected by U.S. satellites, the launch was “at least Iran's second missile test since July.”
And it violated U.N. Resolution 2231, which took effect July 20, 2015 — just days after Iran's nuclear deal Güvenilir Bahis Siteleri with the U.S. and other world powers was signed. The resolution imposed an eight-year ban on any Iranian “activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”
Iran, of course, “claims the tests are legitimate because they are not designed to carry a nuclear warhead.” Tell that to Israel, Saudi Arabia and other neighbors — as well as U.S. troops in the Middle East — that Iran could target with nuke-tipped missiles.
With Iran flouting the U.N.'s toothlessness, its missile development is one more danger that the Trump administration must address for the sake of America and its allies — before Iran becomes capable of devastating Israel or Saudi Arabia in a flash.
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