in us. The times that we are living are crucial. Do everything to slow lépidémie together.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 30, 2021

What containment would be announced by Emmanuel Macron ?

This is without doubt the measures of reconfinement that would be advertised if the head of State took to the floor again in the next few days. It is Emmanuel Macron, who announced the first containment in mid-march last year. It was he who had taken the floor at the end of October for the second containment. A reconfinement would so without any doubts by a speech by the president. According to BFMTV, three options are on the table, on the side of the Elysée if he had to go through it : a containment which could operate only at the weekend, in addition to a curfew during the week ; a confinement on the model of that of the end of October, with schools and shops as “essential” in the open position ; or containment is strict and “tight” in the country, on the model of that of march, with the closure of schools in the event of a boom of the outbreak. On Thursday, the spokesperson for the government, Gabriel Attal, had taken care to qualify that would be a “containment very tight”, on France Inter, as to prepare even more clear : “It is a confinement effects are rapid and effective for further dampen the movement of the virus”.

Before a hypothetical speech, and if he had to move on to the higher stage, Emmanuel Macron would also be looking for a possible fourth possibility, that of containment, “hybrid” with a mix of restrictions and freedoms to protect the psychological health of French people as well as the economic health of the country. Emmanuel Macron would think about it so a new shape to this measure, which would look like or the version of the spring, or the fall : exceptions for the students, keeping shops open but with gauges restricted, niche opening or appointments, and mandatory in some schools… To have a clear idea of what containment “hybrid”, it may be necessary to wait to see again the head of the State television.

The previous speeches, Emmanuel Macron

“The government is consulting”, “the executive works in harmony with the local actors and the health authorities…” Emmanuel Macron punctuates its regular public interventions of these short phrases, meant to recall that the intermediate bodies and all of his government are partners in the management of this health crisis. It is, however, well that settles it, does it also know-and it is he who holds in his “addresses” to the French, bearing an attitude and a tone hieratic, in endorsing the costume of father of the Nation. Find on this page all of the speech made by Emmanuel Macron since 12 march.

Speech of the wishes of the December 31,

Emmanuel Macron spoke for fifteen minutes Thursday, 31 December. Since the Elysium, set in an armchair, and not at his desk as in recent years, the president of the Republic expressed his wishes for 2021. In a speech dynamics, the head of the State has paid tribute to the “civility and in the spirit of collective responsibility” of the French during this year. Emmanuel Macron has consistently referred to the introduction of the vaccine in our country, reaffirming that “every Frenchman who wants to should be able to get the vaccine, starting with those who are at the highest risk. […] I do not let anyone play with the safety and the good conditions in which the vaccination must be done. I will not let more, for the wrong reasons, a slow wrongful install”.

Interview Macron to Raw on December 3,

The crisis of Covid-19, police violence, ecology, feminism, the act of separatism, the economy… The subjects were many for Emmanuel Macron, who responded Friday to questions from the media in line Gross, primarily aimed at young people. Find the interview on the Youtube account of Gross, on their page, Facebook, or below :

Speech of Emmanuel Macron on November 24, Emmanuel Macron has made the point that, on Tuesday, November 24, on the health crisis and the results obtained so far on containment measures. The president of the Republic has presented a road map for the country arrives, the 20th of January, in a déconfinement almost full, if the situation of health allows. “We have slowed the spread of the virus, but it is still present”, has warned Emmanuel Macron, saying that France had “reached 50 000 deaths due to the epidemic”. “We still have before us several weeks to reach the goals that I had set,” he said, calling on the French to “pursue [their] efforts”. Emmanuel Macron also expressed on vaccines that he would like to see happen in France, “it is likely that at the end of December, beginning of January”. The frail and the elderly will be the first vaccinated at this time of the year. “A scientific committee will be responsible for the monitoring of these vaccinations”, with a return of information and uncertainties “in a way that is clear, transparent,” assured Emmanuel Macron. “ I will not make the vaccination mandatory “, a-t-he also promised. Emmanuel Macron has also asked the government and the Parliament to consider “the conditions of confinement of people, including a binding way”. Speech of Emmanuel Macron 28 October

The head of State spoke at 20h Wednesday, October 28. His speech was broadcast on all cable-news channels, on TF1 and France 2, but also on this page. Emmanuel Macron, speaking from the Elysee, his response was more solemn than during the 14 October. The chair confirmed that France would again adopt containment, during a solemn discourse from the Elysée palace. Containment is more flexible than last march. He announced that schools, colleges, and high schools stayed open for their share. Telework has been generalized to wherever it is possible, and the shops that were defined as “non-essential”, including the bars and restaurants were closed.

Interview with Emmanuel Macron on October 14,

On 14 October last year, Emmanuel Macron has given a new interview with TF1 and France 2. The head of State took the opportunity to announce new measures in the fight against the spread of Covid-19. It is on this day that he had announced the introduction of a curfew, first in nine French cities, before it is expanded in several departments. Emmanuel Macron had also invited the French to respect the rule of “6 people”, which aim to limit to 6 people, so the people to receive at home or with which to set the table. Other announcements set out this October 14 : partial unemployment reactivated for the hospitality, catering, event management, tourism and sport and the debut of a new application, TousAntiCovid.

Interview with Emmanuel Macron on October 7,

Emmanuel Macron in the 20 Hours on France 2 and TF1, Wednesday, October 7, was expressed from Saint-Martin-Vésubie, one of the towns most affected by the storm Alex, in the Alpes-Maritimes. He had announced that in a first time, 100 million euros would be made available to a fund of reconstruction. A “conference of financiers” will also be put in place “order for the State, the region, the department, the city and all the towns that can contribute to the solidarity of national and local mobilizes”.

Emmanuel Macron had also referred to the health situation of the country, with a virus that “flows more quickly for the past several weeks.” It intended to”move towards more restrictions, such as those that we have been able to know in the Bouches-du-Rhône to Paris and the petite couronne”, in particular in areas where the coronavirus progresses rapidly and affects the elderly. “The strategy is also to empower our fellow citizens. We are not, and we will not be for several months, in a normal time. It is necessary to be responsible to each other, it is necessary to take care of our elders, our caregivers, who are under very high pressure”, he added.

Interview with Emmanuel Macron on July 21,

On July 21, 2020, Emmanuel Macron intervened in the JT TF1 during an interview whose purpose is the explanation of the european recovery plan decided by the EU’s 24 hours earlier. The head of State was then revealed that out of the 450 billion euros of this plan, $ 40 billion of which was devoted to France, and that this sum would be used for the ecological transition, to tourism, to the financing of the regions, to digital, or to the hiring of young people. “These are very practical things, and it will touch the lives of our fellow citizens,” had promised Emmanuel Macron that night, adding that this debt would be borne by the country as a whole and that it would be smoothed over time. “For the first time, the country will have to borrow the money to be split between them according to their needs,” he said.

Interview with Emmanuel Macron on July 14,

On Tuesday, July 14, Emmanuel Macron was sent to france, during a great interview with TF1 and France 2. The head of State has been questioned for more than an hour by Léa Salamé et Gilles Birch and is expressed in the economic recovery plan, the health crisis of Covid-19, the agreements on wages for caregivers found in the framework of the Ségur Health, the pension reform revived, but also on the cabinet reshuffle, which has been the subject of criticism from the opposition and women’s associations. The intervention of Emmanuel Macron in the video, in its entirety :

Speech of Emmanuel Macron on June 14,

Mid-June, Emmanuel Macron had expressed to set the tempo of the process of déconfinement. He then listed a series of measures, especially for children and teenagers French back to school.

Speech of Emmanuel Macron on April 13, 2020

Highly anticipated by the French, keen to learn more about the extension of the confinement, the address of 13 April allowed to Emmanuel Macron to make the point on the spread of the epidemic of Covid in France and to announce the first phase of déconfinement for 11 may. The speech in full :

Speech of Emmanuel Macron on march 25, 2020

This is a speech a bit special which was delivered Emmanuel Macron on 25 march 2020. Full containment and while the coronavirus was in the phase of rising on the country, the president was moved to the military hospital of campaign Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), where he had taken the word to the French. In an area of France was particularly hard hit by the Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron had paid tribute to “all the men and women who are in the second row, and that allow our caregivers so