The poor men of the revolution. It was one of the signs in the beginning of October, and it was a piece of bread, and a bottle of water and a light adhesive . Any decent society has the duty to respond to it. However, the iraqi government is obscene.

” Your cousins have been killed.

My mother called, and I know that the iraqi vrålet to rise up inside of me. I don’t want to lose any more cousins. My cousin, the more common the workers, sick of the hunger, and oppression.

so Far, the iraqi army and police bullets, killing over a hundred people.

After the Turkish attacks against the kurds, has been following the demonstrations and the regime’s excessive use of force has been neglected, but it is said that as early as next week, the people of iraq to take to the streets once again. It is also said that the government is going to have to have the assistance of the iranian forces, ” the government is now, to put it mildly, a close associate of Iran in order to crush the protests.

so Far, the iraqi army and police bullets, killing over a hundred people, and wounded thousands of people. The bullets are like sharp pencils, they will write a tragedy – – – and they seem to like it. As a writer, as the pleasant haunts of his characters.

the Characters are the iraqi people, and the book is called life in the country. Hundreds of iraqis who wanted the bread, but it was the bullets, who wanted to have clean water, they fell down on the ground, who wished to have services, but he met his death. So many of the families who were hoping for improvement but instead is met with a new one. Baghdad mourns its murdered children.

this is the legacy of George W Bush and Tony Blair.

Against the children belong to all ethnicities and religious faiths. They are united by a love of the land, the contempt towards the politicians, and their common poverty. For all that appears to be offered to the people of iraq are in pain. Corruption has poisoned the whole of society, and the only ones that enjoy prosperity are politikerklassen. Prime minister of the Adil Abd al-Mahdi , has promised improvements, but a few words will not be heard, not when the balls have finished writing his tragedy, and the sound of the dead will continue to be heard.

My cousin did. One had to operaras, but both are in good health. It is not clear whether they will be able to demonstrate a next time, if the rumor is actually true, but thousands of others will take their place.

this is a legacy of the George w. Bush , Tony Blair : In lieu of the stability irakiern the sorrow, in the place of water, bread, and electricity; the suffering and the death. Instead of democracy the people of iraq, Iran’s puppet in power to the people.

the sounds of today’s iraq, elegy. < / span> < / span>

Mr Alkhaffaji, as a writer.

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