chin-pasteur hypothesizes in this sense :”It is probably an effect related to the viral vector, which generates antibodies against platelets in an exceptional way”.

In the case of AstraZeneca, the European Medicines Agency has consistently reiterated that the benefit-risk balance is favourable to the use of the vaccine, even if a link between the vaccine and thrombosis is considered “possible”. This episode has eroded public confidence in the Anglo-Swedish vaccine, which is struggling to find a buyer. Physicians must use pedagogy to convince patients of the efficacy and low risk of the vaccine. They fear that history will repeat with Janssen’s product.

Can the vaccine be given at a pharmacy or at a doctor’s office ?

The product developed by the American laboratory can be stored between 2 and 8 degrees for three months, which facilitates its transport and use. Vaccination centers but also doctors and pharmacists will therefore be able to build up a stock and administer the doses. 

Is the Jansen vaccine available to all categories ?

Clinical trials have shown similar efficacy of this vaccine for all population groups, regardless of age, origin or possible comorbidity factors according to the different clinical trials conducted by the group. The High Authority of Health considered, when the vaccine was approved, that it could be administered to all persons over 18 years of age, including those over 65 years of age and those at risk of co-morbidities. However, the government has regulated the use of the vaccine for over-55s, in accordance with the vaccination schedule. The situation could change after reports of suspected thrombosis in the United States, one to two weeks after the injection of the vaccine. 

Where does the Johnson and Johnson vaccine come from ?