The CDU-affiliated business Council has warned the candidate for the CDU presidency in the face of increasing attacks not to damage the unity of the party. “If the tone tightened, and discuss the content of the bans are imposed, it will not stay on the unity of the CDU without sustainable impact,” said the Secretary General of the Council, Wolfgang Steiger, the German press Agency in Berlin. The business Council represents some 12,000 companies.

“These days the presidency is threatening to the competition of the candidate of the CDU to be at a crossroads”, warned climbers. “So far, all are treated with mutual respect, and now you want to understand the wrong, to take advantage.” Who was he talking about with his warnings, especially, left the mountaineers.

Krings: “We have taken the AfD seriously”

the General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had rejected at the weekend in an Interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, the criticism of your competitors Friedrich Merz harsh, the CDU have a choice a result of the AfD pointed said, “with a shrug of the shoulders”. Such statements are a slap in the face “for all in the CDU, who fought for years against the constant misinformation, hostile, and in Parts of the open baiting by the AfD and the day-to-day attitude showed,” she said of the F. A. S.. As a third promising candidate, the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn.

Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merz and Spahn imagine currently in regional conferences of the party base. Four of them already and a further four to follow this week in Böblingen, Germany, Düsseldorf, Bremen and Berlin. The question of who will succeed Angela Merkel of the CDU, then decides a CDU party Congress on 7. December in Hamburg.