DerDeutsche Teachers ‘ Association warns that after summer holidays an orderly school operation could not be possible everywhere. VerbandspräsidentHeinz-Peter Meidinger told Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “We have a massive lack of teachers, and this is case Besondershart basic, promotional and vocational schools”.

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Both problems help little that half-finished teaching students UndQuereinsteiger Einsprängen, said Meidinger. It would be nurPädagogen because of sickness or parental leave, “n House of Cards collapses”. DerVerbandspräsident described it as unacceptable to teach classes Dannzusammengelegt and 30 instead of 20 children.

He also warned against using model of a unitary teacher to tackle deficiency. This is to be used for same payment from fifth class in all forms of school. “For state, it would be most convenient solution. But it would be poison for students ‘ learning success and quality of education, “Meidinger said. The academic work of a high school teacher is indispensable in order to lead young people to high school. On or hand, special pedagogical qualifications of primary school teachers are required in order to promote girls and young talents appropriately.

Meidinger: 80 percent of primary school teachers in Saxony and Berlin are cross-entry

Although ministries of education had enough time to prevent lack of teachers at right time, y did not manage to plan halfway in a safe place, criticized Meidinger. In Saxony and Berlin, up to 80 percent of newly-recruited primary school teachers were already in current academic year without training.

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Only on Friday, educational researchers had reminded that Germany in KommendenJahren needs hundreds of thousands of new educators and teachers to meet Denwachsenden challenges in daycare centers and schools. A sufficient number of skilled workers is a central factor fora powerful education system, it is said in education report, which is vorgelegtwird every two years by a group of scientists.