Central Ostrobothnia and Pietarsaari area businesses want to debate and measures Kokkola–Pietarsaari airport development. The ostrobothnia chamber of Commerce commissioned a broad survey of the field of the importance of the region for business and industry. The questionnaire was answered by 186 companies.

60% of companies keep to the current schedule are inappropriate for their own needs. On the other hand, 84 percent keep close to the field as important as functioning as the image.

This is the export industry a necessity. The area is involved in global business, and it is important that the foreign guests can reach the place directly by flying. Also, business people have to get to the world, as well as the home market for buyers, said the report has taken WSP Finland director, professor Jorma Mäntynen.

according to Him, the importance of the airport is understood the area is well understood, and companies are committed to use the field.

Model from Sweden?

Kruunupyy field travel of approximately 70% is just business travelers. The uncertainty of flight connections and operators has been marked by activity in recent times, and the situation is to improvement.

on the other Hand, the field would have the opportunity also to the tourists: the Helsinki and Stockholm via future flows ptäisi grow and charter flights increase, says Mäntynen.

He called on to consider them a variety of solutions, which in Sweden has been successful in yläpitämä any area of the field. More than 30 airports is regional ownership, and marketing to find success stories. The latest opportunity is in sundsvall functional remote control center.

the chamber of Commerce director Paula Erkkilä I hope that the field in the development of not staring at not only the volume of passengers, but considered a broader field of meaning. A broad statement was to, so that the future development of the base should be assembled fact.

day excursions in the main

for businesses it is important that business trips can be day trips in. Part of the points also in the other nordic countries, and good air connections are necessary. A few respondent said they would turn to now mainly in Vaasa field, but working in the near field would be important.

Replies rose three points in particular need to: day trips, Kokkola–Pietarsaari to Helsinki or to Stockholm, day trips to European destinations and partners and customers the opportunity to become area businesses for day trips.

the air, getting in touch with Stockholm as soon as possible is the companies very important.

the General need is still flight from Kokkola to Helsinki so that it allows your head to the center clock 9-10 starting meetings. Afternoon again to watch 16-19 outbound return flight.

early Morning flight well served to Europe to continue passengers, but Kokkola is also required alkuyön flight from Europe is still home for the night.

Export area

Finland industrial production’s turnover is exported to 57%. The ostrobothnia chamber of commerce of the region the figure is as high as 71%.

the chamber of Commerce to remind, that the area companies exported last year products and services for the 2.4 billion value. In the area there are also companies who produce over 90% is exported.

the 30-minute trip from Kokkola–Pietarsaari airport is 165 production and industrial plants and an hour’s drive away for over 270.

Kruunupyy airport has been introduced in the 1960s, the Kokkola–Pietarsaari airport in 2010, it became. In recent years, operators, routes and timetables have changed between frequently. Stockholm-flights ended in may, when Nextjet go bankrupt. New operoijaa’ve been thinking about it ever since.