BACK to SCHOOL MANDATORY. What stimulus is recorded in the health protocol, for the recovery of the required course of 22 June the nursery, school and college ? We know now the answer.
Summary New health protocol at the End of estrangement in the tongue A distance of one metre classes Resume mandatory terms and Conditions of the mandatory return to the school on June 22, the Opinion of trade unions the Terms already put in place the back-to-school health Protocol existing Dates of resumption of classes Kindergartens and primary Colleges, high Schools, Universities, summer Holidays support Classes Contest
[Updated 17 June 2020 at 20h05] Wednesday, June 17, in the evening, we were able to check out the new health protocol in its full version , the one that will prevail from Monday 22 June, for the resumption of classes and the mandatory return in nurseries, schools and colleges. In the introduction, the document summarizes : “the main development in The health protocol for the relaxation of the rules of detachment physics in schools and colleges. Measures to prevent the intermingling of groups, and to ensure hand hygiene remains essential.”
Here are the new rules compared to the previous health protocol :
Coaches and external stakeholders : always ‘ with a mask for the general public, they can now “enter into the school buildings after cleaning or disinfection of the hands”. Distance physics in general : “The rule indicative of a surface area of 4m2 per student does not apply, in the domestic as well as in the external spaces”. Distance physics in kindergarten : in kindergarten, “between students of the same class or the same group, no rule of detachment is necessary, either in confined spaces (classroom, hallways, lunchroom, etc) or in outdoor spaces. On the other hand, the distance-physical [one meter side, ed] must be maintained between students of different groups”. Distance physics in schools and colleges : in the elementary schools and the colleges, “the distancing physical at least one metre from side apply in confined spaces (including the classroom), between the teacher and students and between students when they are side-by-side or face-to-face”. But this distance physics “does not apply in outer space between students of a same class or the same group, including for sporting activities”. It is stated that “The organization of the class in the open air is therefore encouraged. In addition, if the furniture of the classrooms does not meet the distancing physics, all areas of the school can be mobilized (CDI, computer rooms, etc.), including to provide for other activities (studies, 2S2C [device Sport-Health-Culture-Citizenship, ed.])”. Distance physics in high schools : In the high schools, it is “a minimum distance of one meter” which must be respected, “between each person in the confined spaces and in outdoor spaces”. hand Washing : in addition to gestures barrier in general, that are maintained, the washing of the hands “sinks” can be carried out “without measure of physical distance between students of a same class or of the same group”. in Port of the mask to the personal : the mask-wearing “is not mandatory for the teachers when they are ongoing and are at a distance of at least one meter students”. When the mask is not used, “it can be either suspended from a hook, isolated, or folded without contacts outside/inside (not the drive) and stored in a pouch individual”. in Port of the mask to the students : nothing changes. For preschool students, he “is prohibited” ; to the students of elementary schools, it is “not recommended, but masks are available to equip the children with symptoms in anticipation of their departure from the school” ; and, for middle/high school students, wearing the masks for the “general public” is mandatory when travelling”. Ventilation of the classes and other local : “In the case of mechanical ventilation, it is to ensure the proper operation and maintenance”. Limitation of the mixing of students : “This limitation is all the more necessary when the distance between students of a same group is reduced to kindergarten”. Cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment : “A cleaning of floors and large surfaces (tables, desks) is performed at least once per day”. By the way, “A cleaning disinfectant for the surfaces most frequently touched by the students and staff in classrooms, workshops and other common areas (such as door handles) is also performed at least once per day”. As for the “tables of the refectory”, they are “cleaned and disinfected after each service.” in Access to outdoor games, to benches, to the collective spaces : it is authorized “if a daily cleaning is provided (or after a period without use of approximately 12 hours). Objects partagés : their “provision within a single class or a single group consisting of (balloons, toys, books, games, newspapers, leaflets, reusable, pencils, etc) is permitted when a disinfection at least daily is assured (or the objects are isolated 24 h before re-use)”. information and communications : the parents are “clearly advised of the progress of measures taken” explanations on the end of estrangement in kindergarten
In an interview on Public Sénat, conducted Wednesday, June 17, and online at the end of the afternoon, the minister of national Education Jean-Michel Blanquer has announced that the health protocol updated would be released in the “coming hours”, in other words, in the evening, while its publication was awaited in the morning by some teachers. But it has also made announcements in the upstream of the said publication, such as the end of the measures of distancing physics in kindergarten , which he justified “out of realism” : “We do know that it is not easy to enforce this separation physical, and then, because the scientific council told us that for this age, you can do that, based on the data that we have.”
In any case, the distance of a little less than one metre is possible ?
In the decree published on Monday 15 June in the official journal, the device “a distance of one metre was already summary : “In the elementary and middle schools, the observation of a separation physical at least one metre applies only in the class rooms and all enclosed spaces, between the teacher and students and between each student when they are side-by-side or that they face. The welcome is assured by the groups that can’t mix [with each other]”.
Wednesday, June 17, Jean-Michel Blanquer has also stated that in elementary schools, “we try to enforce a meter [side-to-side distance, editor’s Note]. But in certain classes, when we receive all the students, sometimes, (because of the small size of the premises, editor’s Note] we will be obliged to have a little less than a meter so it is possible to have a little less than a meter .” At the college, on the contrary, “the distance of one meter must be respected. And when this is not possible (…) so wearing a mask is compulsory for the students”.
For which the recovery of course is it mandatory ?
In nurseries, schools and colleges , the recovery of the in-class course for the students is thus compulsory from Monday, June 22, as announced by Emmanuel Macron, in his speech of 14 June last. For high schools, on the other hand, the health protocol is kept as is and the continuous control is required for the bachelor’s degree because “there’s a lot more brewing in these institutions”, said the services of the ministry of national Education. Since the beginning of June, several of the collective of parents of the students called for a return of the children, in its broader class. Some of them, as in Aubervilliers, went so far as to file a recourse before the administrative court calling for the reopening of “all” in primary schools, and a host of children, who are more regular (see here).
under what conditions will the return to school on the 22 June ?
The announcement, in mid-June, the return of all the students in the schools seemed to indicate a very clear message : the health crisis situation, or in any case its sequence is the most dramatic, was completed, and the outbreak of sars coronavirus is no longer a real threat, even if it should remain very careful and obey the rules of caution. “It will be necessary to continue to avoid to the maximum the gatherings, because we know that they are the main opportunities for the virus to spread. They will therefore remain very boxes’, has insisted Emmanuel Macron in his speech on 14 June.
A return to normalcy in terms of number of students in schools and colleges has, therefore, been announced this June 14, by Emmanuel Macron. As stated by the minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, the goal is “to have the return of all the children at the school and at the college and also to open more high schools in France” thanks to a new protocol lightweight . Version relaxed the previous protocol, which has prevailed since the reopening of school on may 11th, it has been developed “with the representative organisations and in conjunction with the minister of Health,” said the minister of Education.
The head of the State has left it to the ministry of national Education with the task of organizing this back in the classroom. Monday, June 15, Jean-Michel Blanquer has been given an appointment with the main trade unions in the sector, for the new protocol is explained, clarified, and the modalities of implementation are discussed and adjusted. The minister had already said on Europe 1 that the rules on the alienation of physics at the school were going to be lightened to facilitate the return in class of students. “Two weeks it is very important, every day counts. The children need to go to school,” recalled the minister. The main change will be “one of the distancing physical, which forced her to make small groups of 15 students. Now, there is always a distance in the physical but much less binding, with 1 metre side between the pupilses “, has detailed the Jean-Michel Blanquer at the microphone of the radio.
“We’ll go 4m2 around each student to a more flexible system. This allows us to accommodate all of the students,” and thus put an end to the limitation of 15 students per class in primary [and 10 in kindergarten, editor’s Note]. Given the compulsory nature of the back-to-school, it was necessary to expect that the health protocol is very strict put in place since the 11 may be reduced. And the new rules, with protocol more flexible, will not come back into force Monday, June 22. Still, not to lower its guard, the public authorities are insisting that certain rules remain : wearing a mask in certain circumstances, gestures barrier, distance between staff and students in the school and college, cleaning reinforced all the local schools…
What do they think of the unions ?
The Snes-FSU, the national trade union of teachers of the second degree, believes that these announcements represent “a good news because we did not understand why the school, at a time, had become optional for some of the young people,” said its national secretary and spokesperson Frédérique Rolet, on franceinfo. “We must work in groups to allow, precisely, to catch up with the dropouts. All of these questions-there are pressing issues. These few days are going to maybe enable with some of them, to the point on what they have done or what they have not done during the confinement period”, she added.
For its part, the union South-Education proved more skeptical. “Many questions remain pending, such as the maintenance or not of the health protocol, the return or not of personal risk ?” explains South-Education in a press release published Sunday, June 14. The union edge “character abrupt announcements” that does not promote “an organization of teams that would allow a return to the classroom in the best conditions”.
The first union of the primary, the Snuipp-FSU, said on 16 June : “The architecture of schools, the area of class-rooms, their furniture and the size of class will constraints never can be”. The union considers, therefore, that “All students will not be able to return to school at the same time”.
For Francette Popineau, spokesman for the Snuipp-FSU, “everything will depend on two things” : the class size and the surface area of class-rooms in the establishment. It is for this reason that we should not expect that this new school year from June 22 to be possible everywhere. To believe otherwise would be unrealistic”, a-t-it, as reported on CNEWS. On the field, the director of a school near Lyon, Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes), Gabriel Heinz, confirms. He explained on France 2 that it was impossible for him to accommodate the 450 students at the same time : “If a student is sitting at a table and considered that there must be a distance of one metre between the two, the other student may not occupy the table,” he says.
What are the terms of returning to class still in force ?
at the press conference of may 28, with the phase 2 of the déconfinement in France, the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer had made announcements key on the result of the resumption of classes in France. He had mentioned the start of September, and the protocol of health… Here’s what you should remember, and that remains relevant today :
Reopening of schools : In the green areas, the high schools have started to reopen from Tuesday, 2 June. The general facilities and technology do not cater to students “for individual interviews and teaching”, including to “make the point about the draft guidance or the monitoring of Parcoursup”. In orange zones (region Ile-de-France, Guyana and Mayotte until 15 June), the only professional-oriented high schools had reopened. All of the areas of the Hexagon are now past the green, but the schools continue to reopen in a phased manner and not total. Oral du bac de français to the students : it is canceled, “especially for reasons of equity” because “the candidates were not in a situation of equality, sufficient in the preparation of this oral” after confinement, during which not all of them have followed the same way the distance learning courses with Colleges : all colleges of metropolitan France have re-opened gradually in the green zone, priority to the students of 6th and 5th in the orange zone. All colleges welcome students from 22 June. primary Schools : they need to reopen to all students on June 22. The minister had initially set up a organization for the nursery and primary schools of “rotations to allow the students to be in a sort of half-time school”, and for all the pupils to do their return in the schools before the summer holidays. health Protocol : it still remains current, even if the measures have been adapted to the 22 June. The mask is prescribed for “middle and high school students during their travel”, as well as for the staff of institutions which cater to children. The teachers, however, have not to wear “when they are ongoing and are at a distance of at least one meter students”. in September : it will be “of course” mandatory”, said Jean-Michel Blanquer, ensuring “worker, as a function of the evolution of the situation of the epidemic, a relief of the health protocol” for September. That contains the health protocol national basis for schools ?
on The 1st of may, the government has provided a version of the health protocol national who traveled as a reference for schools (see here the relaxation made). The instructions are detailed to the home in the morning, the recreation, the restoration or the development of classes. Intended for academies, school leaders, school principals and local communities “as well as the whole of the school community”, these health rules are largely drawn from the notes on the reopening of schools on 25 April by the scientific council to adapt to the impact of the Covid-19. The protocol has also been implemented with the support of the certification company Bureau Veritas. This protocol is maintained, but adapted, in the framework of the resumption of classes for all students from the nursery to the college on 22 June.
The “five fundamentals” of the protocol national health :
distance physics The application of gestures barrier The limitation of the mixing of students in The cleaning and disinfection of premises and materials, training, information and communication
The key elements of the protocol :
role of parents : “They undertake, in particular, not to put their children in high school or college in the event of the occurrence of symptoms suggestive of a Covid-19 in the student or in his family. Parents are invited to take the temperature of their child prior to departure for the facility . In the case of a symptom or fever (37.8°C or more), the child must not go to the institution.” Maintenance of the distancing physical : “respect a minimum distance of one metre between each person” in order to “avoid direct contact, contamination, respiratory and/or by droplets”. A principle in decline “in all the contexts and spaces (arrival and around the school, recess, hallways, courtyard, school catering, health, etc).
” Avoid the intersections of classes and students : stagger the time of recreation ; to avoid the combinations of different levels ; (…) do go in and out of students of recreation, respecting the distance physical between each of the students (an embodiment may be considered) (…)”. in reception Capacity : “Before the start of the students, the classrooms should be organized to respect a distance of at least one meter between the tables and between the tables, and the office of the or teachers (approximately 4 m2 per student, with the exception of those placed, in the configuration of the classroom, against a wall, a window, a library, etc). For example, in placing students along the walls, a room of 50 m2 must accommodate 16 people”. This rule was relaxed on 22 June, transforming 4m2 in 1m from the side, to be respected in the interiors, except in the kindergarten and nursery. in traffic Flow : “ Identify the flows of input and output in dissociating in the case where the configuration of the premises permits. If the configuration setting does not allow it, it must be defined as a sense of priority of passage to ensure the separation physical. It may change during the course of the day” ; “Keep the distance physics in the input queue by all means possible (signs, floor markings, barriers, etc)” ; “give preference to the entry by multiple access to divide the volume of the flow” ; “to Ensure a signage easy-to-understand and visible (panels, signage, etc)”. hand Washing : “for at least 30 seconds, with a careful drying if possible using a paper towel, disposable or otherwise in the open air. Towels for communal use are to be avoided. Failing this, the use of a hydroalcoholic solution may be considered, (…), under the close supervision of an adult”. The washing of hands must be performed, as a minimum : at the arrival in the school ; before returning to the classroom, particularly after the recess ; before and after each meal and before going to the toilet and be gone ; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing ; at night before going home, and upon arrival at home”. mask : for personal , “the health authorities recommend the wearing of the mask anti-projection, also called the mask ‘general public’ category 1′, which will be available to the agents “in direct contact with the students” by the ministry, “at the rate of two masks per day of presence in the schools.” By the way, ‘ wearing a mask ‘general public’ is mandatory in all situations where the rules of distance might not be respected (ex : personnel working with young people ; pupils with special educational needs ; movement within the classroom or school ; during recess…). It is recommended in all other situations. It belongs to chathat employer, and in particular territorial authorities, to provide masks its personnel in direct contact with the students as well as personal maintenance and restoration”.
For students : “for those of the schools nursery , the port mask is to be avoided. For the students of the elementary schools , wearing a mask is not recommended, but children can be equipped with if they wish and if they are able to wear it without risk of misuse. The opinion of the referral doctor will determine the conditions of wearing a mask for pupils with pathologies. It will be up to the parents to provide masks to their children when the masks will be easily accessible to the entire population. In the meantime, the ministry of national Education and Youth, providing each school in masks, of the same quality as those made available to the teacher (masks ‘general public’ category 1) in order that they can be provided to those pupils who wish to, or must be equipped and who can use it wisely”.
“In the colleges and high schools , the mask-wearing public at large is mandatory in all situations where compliance with the rules of separation may not be respected. The opinion of the referral doctor will determine the conditions of wearing a mask for pupils with pathologies. It will be up to the parents to provide masks to their children when the masks will be easily accessible to the entire population. In the meantime, the ministry of national Education and Youth, providing each college and school in masks of the same quality as those made available to the teacher (masks general public of category 1) in order that they can be provided to those pupils who wish to, or must be equipped and who can use it wisely”. Restoration : “In case of restoration in the canteen or refectory, to design the organization of the restoration time and access so as to minimise the queues, and the crossings of groups of students in the hallways. a
respect of physical measures of distance applies in all contexts, and all the spaces: – time of passage, the circulation, the distribution of meals. The management of the collective materials (trays, cutlery, jugs of water, etc.) is adapted to limit the contact.”
“In case of impossibility of restoration in the usual places in respect of previous prescriptions, the restoration will take place in the classroom, under the supervision of an adult and in the form of trays, or packed lunches, the observance of rules of hygiene and respect of the cold chain”. Of strict hygiene measures are recommended, among which are : “to Adapt the distribution of water, meals and cutlery to limit the contacts” ; “In the case of assistance to the students for the meals taken, ensure that personnel wear a mask and wash their hands between each contact;” or even “Proscribe the use of micro-wave collective”. Playtime : “Avoid the crosses of classes and students” and the contacts between students in general, through the implementation of these different instructions : “Staggering recreation time” ; “Avoid the combinations of different levels” ; “Adapt to and reduce the time of recreation as a function of the actual present” ; “Port mask for adults” ; “Ensure the respect of the gestures barrier, and the detachment physics in outdoor games” ; “Outlaw the games contact and the ball and anything that involves exchanges of items, as well as the structures of games in which the contact surfaces cannot be disinfected”.
Among the other instructions given for recreation, there is the possibility of organizing them into inside, and the need to organize a hand-washing specific : “In case of climatic conditions unsuitable, and without the possibility of having an outdoor space sheltered to the distancing physical, hold recess indoors in promoting a location other than the classroom (e.g. room, motor,…). In this case, ventilate the space prior to and after the recreation” ; “to Organize the washing of hands (soap and water with careful drying, preferably with a paper towel, disposable, otherwise in the open air). The use of a hydroalcoholic solution, under the tight control of an adult, may be considered”. educational Materials : “The manual exchange of balloons, toys, pencils, etc., should be avoided or accompanied by terms of disinfection after each use. The transfer of objects or materials between the home and the school must be limited to what is strictly necessary”. Ventilation of the classes and other local kindergarten and primary : “The ventilation of the premises is frequently performed and takes at least 10 minutes each time. The classrooms and other rooms occupied during the day are aired in the morning before students arrive, during each recess, at lunchtime and in the evening during the cleaning of the premises. For premises equipped with mechanical ventilation, its functioning is controlled”. In the classrooms of college and high school : “before the arrival of the students, hasnsuring the ventilation by opening the windows for 15 minutes (for buildings with natural ventilation), during recess, during lunch, and in the end of the day”. “Ensure the absence of exchange of personal items ; and that the teaching materials have been previously disinfected or isolated in the open air for several days”. This isolation time passes a day with the new protocol. In addition to the protocol of daily cleaning , “when groups of different pupils follow one another in the halls of specific courses, a thorough cleaning of tables, chairs, equipment and materials in contact with the students is done between each group, if possible by using disinfectant wipes”. Limitation of the mixing of students : “The stability of the classes and groups of students contributes to the limitation of the brewing process. (…) The goal is to minimize crossings between students of different classes or different levels. (…) the arrival and departure of school can be spread out over time, depending on the number of pupils per room and personal present. This operation is conditioned to a prior study of the possibilities of adaptation of transport to school, including the pupils in situation of handicap ; the break and the flow out time of class in buildings : the movement of students should be limited to the strict minimum necessary, organised and supervised. It is also recommended to focus on the movement of teachers rather than students, and to assign a room to a class (outside of the specialty rooms) ; in case of difficulty of organization, the recess can be replaced by the pause time in the classroom at the end of the course”. Information for students : “the first day of school, the students receive practical information on the separation physical, the gestures barrier, including hand hygiene. It is adapted to the age of the students (graphic design, instructional video, representation of the distance of a meter, etc). This awareness is repeated as much as necessary, for the implementation of these requirements becomes a ritual. The ministry of national Education and Youth provides communication kits adapted for this purpose. The medical staff of the national education also provides support to these actions of awareness.” suspected Cases of Covid-19 : “Identify the room dedicated to the reception of suspected cases of Covid-19 and bring masks and a point of washing hands” ; “In case of the occurrence of one or more symptoms in a student (cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, digestive disorders, feeling of fever, etc.) : 1/ Isolation immediate of the pupil with a mask (if it is big enough to wear one) to the infirmary, or in a room dedicated to his supervision in the expectation of his return home or his or her medical care. Respect for imperative gestures barrier. In case of doubt, contact a health-care staff of national education. 2/ Call, without delay, the parents/guardians to come and pick up the student, observing the gestures of the barrier. in 3/ Recall by the responsible of the establishment of the procedure to be followed by the parents, namely : avoid contact and consult with the treating physician who will decide on the advisability and modalities of testing of the student if applicable. Support from the doctor or nurse of national education may be sought if the parents/legal guardians are struggling to provide this support. in 4/ thorough Cleaning of the room that has been isolated from the individual, after a latency of a few hours. What happens when a suspect case is detected ?
The suspected cases detected are taken care of in the following manner : the child or the adult should be isolated immediately, as indicated by the health protocol. The port of the mask is then mandatory for the adult if he can not return to their homes in the aftermath. After the departure of the person, adult or child, to the school, she is invited to consult his or her doctor as soon as possible. The practitioner will assess the interest of achieving or not the famous PCR test, the one which allows to confirm the presence of the virus in the body. in
In case of a positive test :
the sick person is isolated in his home, if his condition does not require hospital admission. Objective : to limit the contacts to the maximum. The health authorities are also notified of the detection of a positive case and are looking for all case contacts, including in the establishment itself. In the school, after a period of a few hours after the departure of the person in whom you suspect a contamination, the parts in which it is placed must be cleaned with care.
If the test is negative :
decisions to open or not the school closed as a precaution take, again, on a case-by-case basis. At le Mans, where the mayor socialist Stéphane Le Foll had to close two facilities after the occurrence of two suspected cases, the tests proved negative and the institutions have both reopened their doors on Monday 18 may in the morning. The mayor said in the media : “I share the need to déconfiner the country. I trust the health authorities, who tell us that the risk of spread of the virus are minute when all precautionary measures are being followed.” What are the dates of resumption of the course ?
The back-to-school post-containment in several phases and began on Monday, may 11. According to the Prime minister, this return to school of pupils in france is an “imperative for educational and social justice”.
The recovery was first applied to nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools from 11 may, and by small groups of students (no more than 10 children in the same room in a crib, with no more than 15 children in the same class in kindergarten and primary school). Starting on Monday 22 June, all children must be greeted at the nursery, kindergarten and primary school, and college, to the extent possible. The reopening of the colleges was followed, starting on Monday 18 may, but not starting that for the classes of 6th and 5th, and only in the departments where the circulation of the virus was sufficiently controlled, in other words, in the departments displayed in green on the national map developed by the government. The back-to-school students of 4th and 3rd took place in early June in the green zones. All colleges welcome students from 22 June. For schools, the progressive reopening began in June, “starting with the high schools-professional”, when in other institutions, students are received for educational sessions. No mandatory return, therefore, by the beginning of September. students must resume the course from September.
summer Vacation – The minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer has also announced that the middle school as the high school students absolutely must, upon their return, follow the course up to the date of Friday 3 July. It is one of the conditions, he said, for obtaining the diploma of the tray or of the patent.
take stock of the situation in figures :
since the reopening of the schools, 60% of the teachers are in a class face-to-face , according to the ministry of Education. 1.8 million schoolchildren (out of a total of 6.7 million students identified) have taken over the way of classes, but rarely full-time At the college, 600 000 students and 3.3 million have taken the course Of support course will be organized during the holidays ?
How to recover from the weeks of confinement lost for a number of students who were not able to correctly follow the course at home or who have completely dropped out ? In an interview to the Parisien, the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer said that “the goal is not to touch to the holidays” which will begin the 4th of July. But to address possible inequality, Jean-Michel Blanquer, who has already offered academic support to students who were in need during the Easter holidays, has reiterated his willingness to offer “of modules academic support for the students [in difficulty]” at the end of the month of August.
The contest are they cancelled or postponed ?
In a press release published on 24 march 2020, the ministry of higher Education has announced the postponement of all the competition of business schools, engineers, post-preparation and the second part of the rounds of the competition PACES than have to spend the first year students of medicine. The ministry then stated : “tests, examinations and national competitions who were not able to be held or to be held in the next few weeks will be reprogrammed at a later date. In view of the complexity of the organization of these events, in any event, they may not take place before the end of the month of may.” The students have since having received the information individually.