minister of The Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has assured this Wednesday at Commission of Interior of Congress that Government of Pedro Sancheznbsp; “continue” with approach so individualized to prisons in Basque Country and Navarra or close to both communities of prisoners of ETA within “compliance with law”. Marlaska —that has avoided giving information and deadlines about future movements— reminded PP that when y ruled re were also approaches and n no party used it as a political weapon. The minister accused popular use of “fallacies” to attack executive. “Disservice are you doing to Spain injecting hate”, I snapped before reclamarles “consistency, loyalty and responsibility”. Marlaska has detailed that, at present, re are in prisons Spanish 233 prisoners eta (205 men and 28 women), and 203 of m are in first-degree prison ( hardest), 28 in second grade and only 2 in regime of semi-freedom.


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Marlaska has appeared at his own request after harsh criticism that PP released by transfer to prison of Basauri (Bizkaia) two prisoners of ETA repentant, Olga Sanz and Javier Merino. The minister stressed that movement was result of progression to third-degree prison both prisoners, independently of terrorist for years and included in call Via Nanclares reintegration, and recalled that first approximation of both Basque Country had done precisely Government of Mariano Rajoy years ago when took him from a prison of Madrid to prison of Asturias, from which you have now been sent to Basque country.

Marlaska admitted that dispersion of ETA prisoners was “successful” and helped in fight against terrorist organization, but he insisted that once it is dissolved already “has no sense”. It has also emphasised that each case will be treated with “individualized” and recalled that you are using parameters to take decision that has already fixed PP last February, when he sent an e-mail to prisons to collect data from those prisoners of terrorist organisation provisions of re-entry.

The holder of portfolio of Interior reaffirmed its commitment to speaking with victims ‘ associations before making any new rapprochement of ETA prisoners, he added, are decided by technicians of Penitentiary Institutions and not by ministry. “The approaches will continue,” he said, before adding that y will always do so with “transparency”. Marlaska also stressed that for prisoners of terrorist group are progresados grade and apply to m prison benefits such as permissions or regime of semi-freedom, y will require compliance with requirements set by law and which listed payment of liabilities, civilians who were convicted, abandonment of purposes and means of terrorists, request for forgiveness from victims, and collaboration with justice.

The explanations of Marlaska, have not met PP, whose deputy Sea White Sea, heavily loaded against minister. White, who admitted that rapprochement of ETA prisoners is a measure that is “legal”, insisted that “is not mandatory” and demanded that minister not go ahead so as not to “humiliate” to victims. The mp popular sister-city councilman Miguel Angel Blanco, killed by band – said that change of prison policy implementation is an “imposition of [Peter] Sanchez” as “payment to votes nationalists” that gave him presidency of Government. During his speech, White cast on face-to-Marlaska that during his time as a judge of National Audience rejected it in a car transfer of prisoners for ” due respect to victims” and, now, to support such a measure.

Also very critical is showed Citizens, whose spokesman in commission, Miguel Angel Gutierrez, he used same argument put forward by PP: change of prison policy is alleged payment of “tolls to independence, proetarras and batasunos”. Gutierrez accused Marlaska and Executive socialist to be “more concerned about rights of terrorists of ETA of ir victims.” On opposite side of debate were placed representatives of EH-Bildu and PNV, Marian Beitialarrangoitia and Mikel Lejarda, which was accused of violating law. Beitialarrangoitia said that of more than a hundred prisoners, eta [re are currently 231 in prisons Spanish] should have been already released. Legarda insisted that ” relocation of a prisoner in place closest to your anchor family is a right” and, refore, it is not justified to put constraints to approximate m to Basque Country and Navarre.

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