Martine Aubry has not heard with the environmentalists in an alliance for the second round, she will therefore have to cope with a list EELV stand-alone and the application LREM in the 2nd round. The municipal election is not being played.

[updated June 18, at 10: 45 am] Lille is one of the few large cities in France where the results of the 2nd round will be examined with special attention by the national directorates of political parties engaged in the election. It must be said that the re-election of Martine Aubry, who should have been a formality, is no longer obvious, because the mayor outgoing to have found an agreement with its allies environmentalists. The socialist and Stéphane Baly, the Green party candidate, have not found common ground to merge their list : they will face each other in a triangular on Sunday 28 June, with the candidate LREM, Violette Spillebout. Martine Aubry asked Stéphane Baly that he concedes to the list socialist of the “majority bonus” to give it a weight significantly higher number of elected representatives in the municipal council, while the latter wanted an agreement based on a proportionality of the results of the march 15,. Recall that in the first round, lists PS have raised 29.8% of the votes cast, EELV, or 24.5%, (in front of the list LREM with 17%).

The disunity of the left, a first in the local elections in Lille, has generated such a level of tension that the leadership of the PS and EELV have been sought for a mediation to be imposed in the Northern city. According to the information of 20 Minutes, the boss of EELV, Julien Bayou, has called the First secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, to intervene with the mayor of Lille. This last has hammered that in Lille, the list arrived in second position always has, in the past, granted the majority bonus to his ally arrived at the head of the 1st round. “I have no power over Martine Aubry,” would have made Olivier Faure, Julien Bayou, according to 20 Minutes. The mayor outbound is clearly sufficiently confident of its chances, but the situation is a new one : given the chance moderate Violette Spillebout to prevail, it is likely that a part of the electorate LREM to choose another list. That will not the voters of BIA and LR in the 2nd round ? And the voters of the 1st round ?