eptember, but also members of the associations partners of the region.

is there a risk of a shortage ?

Asked on BFMTv, Agnès Pannier Runacher, delegate minister to the Industry, has assured that “there will be no problem of stock of masks in France.” “In terms of distribution channel, in terms of production capacity, it is widely in ability to serve all the French “, a-t certified. Currently, the weekly production of French amounted to ” 50 million masks for health. “In the beginning of the year, 3.5 million were produced per week. As masks, and the general public, “we have a production capacity that is not activated today because it has too much production capacity in France — 25 million masks, textiles, washable reusable “, has detailed the minister.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher invited the French to prefer the masks for the “general public” because “they are very filter (…), a lot more environmentally friendly and, for the most part made in France.” These devices “may last for 20 weeks or 30 weeks,” and are “significantly better for the budget of the homes.” The minister has also denied the budget masks ” 75 € per person and per month.” According to her, the debate is ” totally delusional “.

What is the penalty incurred for not wearing a mask ?

The fine in force in case of non-respect of wearing a mask is mandatory 135 euro. In case of recidivism within 15 days, the fine increases to € 1 500.

© Ministry of Health, The different types of mask, The masks for respiratory protection

The masks of respiratory protection equipment personal protection type FFP 1 (filtration of 80 % of the aerosols) – 2 (filtration of 94 % of the aerosols) – 3 (filtration of 99 % of the aerosols). These meet the requirements of safety and health european. These devices protect the wearer of the mask against inhalation of suspended particulate matter in the air may contain infectious agents. The wearing of a mask FFP may not exceed a maximum duration of four hours, knowing that the labour Code provides for a 20-minute break every six hours. The equipment must be disposed of once soiled.

surgical type masks

surgical type masks are medical devices. They meet requirements of safety and health the european. The surgical masks to avoid the projection of the droplets produced by the wearer of the mask, this mask limits the contamination of the outside environment and other people. For the ” general public “, there are models of single-use, non-sterile. The port of the device may not exceed four hours. The equipment must be disposed of once soiled.

The masks the so-called “general public”

The masks the so-called “general public” are devices textiles, filtration warranty, often washable and reusable. These have been developed in the context of the epidemic of Covid-19 in compliance with the specifications of the national security Agency of medicines and health products (MSNA), and in connection with the national Agency of sanitary safety of food, environment and labour (ANSES). These masks must exhibit properties of filtration greater than 90% of the particles of 3 µm (category 1) or greater than 70% of these same particles (category 2). A logo must be affixed to the mask or its packaging. These masks for the “general public” need to be changed every four hours. According to an opinion of the ANSES, the washing of the equipment must be carried out in the washing machine with a detergent appropriate to the fabric of which the cycle will include, at minimum, a plateau of 30 minutes at 60°C. The mask should then be dried in its entirety, the dryer, the hairdryer or in the open air on a support clean and sanitized, then passed back to the vapor at the temperature specified by the manufacturer (about 120° to 130°).”

The masks AFNOR and “home-made”

masks made by professionals in the textile or “home-made” in respect of the specification AFNOR are devices textiles, including all warranties of efficiencies are not certified. For these reasons, these masks cannot be used in a work setting, either by health professionals or non-health. The website of the AFNOR has a page listing the different tutorials, to help everyone to make his mask “barrier”. The port of the device may not exceed four hours. In accordance with the opinion of the ANSES, ” the washing needs to be done in the washing machine with a detergent appropriate to the fabric of which the cycle will include, at minimum, a plateau of 30 minutes at 60°C. The mask should then be dried in its entirety, the dryer, the hairdryer or in the open air on a support clean and sanitized, then passed back to the vapor at the temperature specified by the manufacturer (about 120° to 130°). “

The visor can it be an alternative to the mask ?