
  • Page 1 — first team session, n lesson
  • page 2 — bad communication at open all-day schools
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    No running, no loud voices, no musical chairs. At Heinz Brandt School in Berlin it is unusually quiet on Monday at 8 o’clock. There are no lessons before 9 o’clock on Mondays. That’s how school leader Miriam Pech decided. Instead, in red clinker in Pankow, re are class teachers, specialist teachers trainees and school workers sitting at a table. Each vintage has its own team. Depending on problem situation, school psychologist or a representative of Youth Office will also be brought in.

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    Up to 15 people can come toger, says bad luck. You are wondering: What is Siebtklässlern this week? Who cares for school trip? What’s next with student who brought alcohol to school last week? The team n thinks toger wher a class conference is necessary, for example, or wher parents need to be contacted – or decides that social worker will soon be practicing team building with a divided class once a week. If re is a problem with a class or a single student, all toger can put toger puzzle of events and impressions and consider measures.

    All-day schools need to care for education

    Take time for joint exchange, for work in team – that was school leader Miriam Pech important, when her school 2010 introduced bound whole day and became an integrated secondary school from n main college.

    Because if school lasts well into afternoon, it has to be much more concerned about education and social problems of students than traditional half-day school. Inclusion also poses new challenges for schools. And y should no longer have to cope with teachers as lone fighters. After teaching, focus is often missing for team discussions, says confident 50-year-old. “That’s just irresponsible.”

    More investment in multi-professional teamwork called for Association for Education and Training in connection with violence and bullying at schools, a week later it was Brandenburg Pädagogenverband, before Landtag SPD in Bavaria. Everyone agrees that it is necessary. Only how does multiprofessional cooperation work in schools in Germany? Is she as self-evident as at Heinz Brandt School?

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    Several million euros are issued by school ministries of country for multiprofessional teams, as y stress. In Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, several hundred jobs have been provided for social-pedagogical professionals, ors are to follow. Schleswig-Holstein declares that multiprofessional teams have long been rule. And Mecklenburg-Vorpommern makes it clear that multiprofessional teams have been in use since 1995.

    But re is no clear definition of what is to be understood. It is only clear: it brings toger several professions. And that teachers, social workers, school psychologists and integration workers should be part of Multiprofessional team, most of m agree. But is caretaker, kitchen power or teacher from neighbouring music school, who is a guest once a week, part of team? And: Do all really work toger or next to each or?