While many of the cities are already the final results of municipal 2020, 5 000 municipalities have yet to elect their mayor. Follow the campaign live, including the latest polls…

Summary Results of the first round of municipal Results by cities in The second-round Functioning municipal The essential Date . The campaign for the second round of the municipal is in full swing, since the government has decided to confirm the date of Sunday, June 28, 2020. Initially planned for 15 march, this second round could not be held because of the epidemic of coronavirus in France. in State of play . The first round has allowed to elect a little more than 30,000 mayors, but it remains at 5 000 municipalities in which the results are still undecided. It should be noted that only six cities of over 100,000 inhabitants have elected their mayor. Thus, in Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Strasbourg and Bordeaux, the uncertainty remains. In Paris, the road seems clear for Anne Hidalgo, came top in the first round (29,33%), ahead of Rachida Dati (22,72%), while at le Havre, the Prime minister Edouard Philippe is still in the race in the face of the candidate of the communist regime. Organization . The organization of this second round of municipal 2020 will be made with the provisions of the health security the most strict, had to know Christophe Castaner during the announcement of the new date of the election, with, for example, the mask-wearing mandatory, either for voters or poll workers. “The election campaign should not become a factor of the circulation of the virus, it will therefore have to campaign differently, in respect of the gestures barriers,” explained the minister of the Interior, announcing it wanted to do everything in order to “facilitate the collection of proxies.” Surveys . The early polls for the second round to emerge and it was in Toulouse that we note the last consultation date. The citizens ‘ list, Green, Untamed and ex-PS represented by Antoine Maurice, in the case of a merger with Nadia Pellefigue (A, PS, PRG, and PCF), has been given the winner by an Ifop survey commissioned by Archipel Citizen. She would win 52% of the vote in the face of the outgoing mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc. In Paris, the last survey was conducted on march 13 and gave winner Anne Hidalgo, in the case of an alliance with the Greens (which seems to draw), the face of Rachida Dati (LR) and the hypothetical alliance Buzyn-Villani (LREM). Live Receive our alerts live !

12:30 – Julien Bayou tackle Gérard Collomb

The alliance of gerald Collom (ex-PS) with the Republicans to dam conservationists in Lyon, arrived early, is not to the liking of Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV. “When ecology is progressing, Gérard Collomb prefer to be allied with the old right, to invent an anti-climate because it is feared the arrival of the bicycle in the city, it is really a decline”, he estimated at the microphone of LCI on Monday.

11:46 – To an agreement Belliard-Hidalgo in Paris

in Paris, the alliance between the mayor outbound Anne Hidalgo, and the candidate EELV David Belliard is on the right track. “I am hopeful that we will reach a coalition agreement around a project of rupture,” said the latter, in the JDD, reminiscent of the “many points of convergence” between the two programs, in particular on the urban planning and ecology. David Belliard acknowledges however that this covenant is subject to several conditions, for example, that the Greens are “fully involved at all levels”, claiming the same as a position that would look like “a kind of vice-mayor”. And to explain : “An assistant position that has a 360-degree vision on the policies of the City, with binding means, in order to ensure that they meet all of our environmental commitments”.

11:26 – the Union of the Greens and the SP in Nantes

As in the last election, the second round of municipal 2020 to Nantes will be marked by an alliance EELV-PS. The new list will be conducted by the mayor outbound socialize Johanna Rolland, who has found an agreement with Julie Laernoes (Europe ecology The Greens), as the two women were jointly announced on the night of Sunday to Monday. In a joint statement, the two candidates don’t hide their disagreements, marked in particular by critics, during the campaign in the first round, Julie Laernoes to Johanna Rolland. “The basic agreement between the lists of Johanna Rolland and Julie Laernoes does not deny the differences between their respective programs, but he chooses to focus instead on shared values and strengthened in the face of the crisis to forge a strategy for action that opens a new stage for our city, a new page to write,” write they. This new list is the favourite in the second round, will face Laurence Garnier (The Republicans) and Valerie Oppelt (LREM).

It is an understatement to say that the municipal elections of 2020 will have been of the most singular in the history of the election of the Fifth Republic. The health crisis of the coronavirus in France has completely changed the organization of this great election, which however appears as one of the most structuring of the political life of the country. That has changed the Covid-19 ? How are taken into account the results of the first round and when will be organized the next election of these municipal is not like the others ? Here is the full point for any understanding, in a few questions and simple answers.

The results of the first round are they validated anywhere ?

For the moment, all the results of the first round are validated, in all the communes of France. In some 30 000 cities in which candidates have obtained an absolute majority in the 1st round, the municipal councils have taken over their function Monday, may 18, and the mayors have officially been invested. The municipal executive authorities have been designated between 23 and 28 may.

What are the results of the 1st round ?

All the results of the first round, commune by commune, are searchable using the search engine below.

the Results of the municipal by city

Paris (75000) – Lyon (69000) Marseille (13000) Toulouse (31000) Nice (06000) Nantes (44000) Montpellier (34000) Strasbourg (67000) Bordeaux (33000), Aix-en-Provence (13080)

check out all the results of the first round of municipal elections, commune by commune, through this search engine :

What to remember of the results of the first round of the municipal :

Lille (59000), Rennes (35000) Reims (51100) Le Havre (76600) Saint-Etienne (42000), Toulon (83000) Grenoble (38000), Dijon (21000), Angers (49000) Clermont-Ferrand (63000), Nimes (30000) Villeurbanne (69100) Le Mans (72000) Brest (29200) Tours (37000) Amiens (80000) Limoges (87000) Annecy (74000) Perpignan (66000) Boulogne-Billancourt (92100)

Among the notable findings, we may point out that in Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who arrived well ahead of its competitors ; in Lyon, the EELV Grégory Doucet has created the surprise, arriving clearly in the lead ; Martine Aubry in Lille and Christian Estrosi in Nice are in a tie is very favourable ; in Marseille, it is the left that is in front of LR. In le Havre Edouard Philippe has collected more than 42% of the vote. Several incumbent mayor is re-elected in the first round, among them Gerald Darmanin in Tourcoing, Robert Ménard in Béziers, Franck Riester to Coulommiers, Jean-François Copé to Meaux, François Baroin in Troyes, france, Steeve Briois in Hénin-Beaumont.

What is the date for the 2nd round of the municipal elections ?

The date of the 2nd round of the municipal elections 2020 has been set for Sunday, June 28, as stated Edouard Philippe in a speech on may 22. “We believe that democratic life should regain all their rights”, had then explained to the Prime minister, referring to a “consensus” reached with the country’s political leaders. Despite all this, the government has made it clear that a plan B was already prepared if the health crisis, as at 28 June, did not allow the organisation of a vote. A draft law providing for a deferral to January 2021 of the second round of the municipal has been filed. What you need to keep in mind is that if the 2nd round of municipal 2020 is not held at the end of June, then you will need to arrange 2 tours in the municipalities where the candidates have not obtained an absolute majority. The Council of State considered, on the 18th of march, the postponement of the 2nd round should be “strictly limited in time” and organized “in a period of three months”.

Results of the municipal by department

Ain Aisne Allier Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Hautes-Alpes Alpes-Maritimes Ardèche Ardennes Ariège Aube Aude Aveyron Bouches-du-Rhône Calvados Cantal Charente Charente-Maritime Cher Corrèze Côte-d’or Côtes-d’armor Creuse Dordogne Doubs Drôme Eure Eure-et-Loir, Finistere, Corse-du-Sud Haute-Corse Gard, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Gironde, Hérault, Ille-et-Vilaine Indre Indre-et-Loire, Isere, Jura, Landes, Loir-et-Cher Loire Haute Loire Loire Atlantique Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne, Lozère, Maine-et-Loire Manche Marne Haute-Marne Mayenne Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Morbihan Moselle Nièvre Nord Oise Orne Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dome Pyrenees-Atlantiques Hautes-Pyrenees Pyrenees-Orientales Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Rhône Haute-Saone, Saone-et-Loire Sarthe Savoie Haute-Savoie Paris Seine-Maritime Seine-et-Marne Yvelines Deux-Sevres Somme Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Var Vaucluse Vendée Vienne Haute Vienne Vosges Yonne Territoire de Belfort Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d’oise Guadeloupe Martinique French Guiana Réunion Mayotte to learn more about municipal 2020 What is the mode of voting in municipal elections ?

At the election of the municipal governments, the inhabitants of a municipality shall elect for a term of 6 years the members of the municipal council, which are then the mayor of the commune. During the campaign, the citizens know who wears the presented lists and, therefore, what a candidate within these aims to be mayor. Since the municipal elections of 2014, the voting method is “proportional with a majority bonus” for the municipalities of over 1,000 inhabitants. The candidates of each training are presented as complete lists, as the voters cannot change. The lists having obtained at least 10 % of the votes can keep up in the second round. With 5 % of the votes, the candidates of the list can be merged with another list. For the commune of less than 1000 residents, the vote is “majority plurinominal” with mix : the citizens can vote for candidates of different lists.

The mandate of the mayor and councillor lasts 6 years. The number of candidates elected to the city council varies depending on the number of inhabitants. As A guideline, a municipal council of a town with between 5 000 and 10 000 inhabitants is composed of 29 elected ; they are 43 in a city with between 40 000 and 50 000 inhabitants or 69 for a city of over 300,000 inhabitants. There are 73 municipal councillors in Lyon, 101 to Marseilles, and 163 in Paris.

the Results of the municipal : explanations