After a policeman’s lethal shot at a 22-year-old in Nantes, France, official has made a mistake. He had accidentally shot, said his lawyer Laurent-Franck Lienard on Friday according to French radio station France Bleu: “No self-defense at time of shot, because shot was involuntary.”

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The policeman had injured motorist on Tuesday night with a check deadly on his neck. The incident had triggered outrage, in city near Atlantic coast, re were four nights in a line to riots. On Friday evening, an investigating magistrate filed an investigation against policeman, as broadcaster FOM TV reported, citing his lawyer. The suspicions are based on “wanton violence” with a consequence of death. The policeman was also placed under judicial supervision.

Mort Aboubakar Fofana à Nantes: le policier déféré devant le parquet et “une information judiciaire a été ouverte you chef de coups et blessures volontaires ayant entraînés la mort sans intention de la thunder avec circonstance aggravante”, annonce le procureur de la République

— FranceInfo (@franceinfo) July 6, 2018

The young man was sought by arrest warrant and had given a false identity to policeman according to prosecutor’s office. Then he suddenly reset his vehicle to evade control. Prosecutor Pierre Sennès spoke of a dangerous maneuver – a policeman threw himself on edge of road and snatched a girl who could have been hurt.

The driver crashed against a parking car and tried to flee again – n shot fell. After official’s portrayal, it was when he tried to get in car to stop escape maneuver. Originally, he had described incident to investigators differently, as his lawyer Lienard conceded. His client had fled into a statement that offered a respectable frame for shot, he told broadcaster CNews. Now COP is going to spot his mistake.

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Many residents of suburbs of Nantes are upset about incident. In night to Saturday re were riots re for fourth time in a row; Cars burned in different neighborhoods. The police had been pelted by angry rioters with incendiary sets and in turn used tear gas.

Even in three previous nights, violent riots and clashes with security forces had occurred. The car of Mayor Johanna Rolland was also lit and perpetrators set fire to several buildings. About 1,000 demonstrators in Nantes demanded “justice” for 22-year-old and “truth” about circumstances of his death. The government had previously promised a complete education. The young man, who was identified by local media as Aboubakar F., was known to police for “gang-stealing”.

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France’s police force is notoriously overloaded because of attack series with more than 240 deaths since January 2015. In addition, many police officers face increasing attacks in suburbs. Residents of Banlieues, for ir part, accuse officials of brutal methods and excessive use of firearms.