The 2021 patent takes place in full face-to-face this year. From the dates of the tests to their progress through revisions, ratings or results… check out our special page to see more clearly !

Summary 2021 patent and Covid 2021 patent and continuous monitoring 2021 written patent test dates, by subject 2021 oral patent date 2021 patent science DNB test program 2021 patent online training Annals of patent subjects / strong> Topics of the patent 2021 : what predictions ? Points and mentions Date of result of the patent 2021 Result of the patent by student name Results of the patent by city and academy Replacement session The essential All the final tests of the patent are maintained face-to-face despite the pandemic of Covid-19, which is not the case of the baccalaureate tests. The individual (15 minutes) or group (25 minutes) oral part of the patent is taken during the month preceding the final tests of the patent, on separate dates depending on the institution. Students must present a project realized in the History of the Arts; as part of the PPE (Interdisciplinary Practical Teachings); or one of the educational paths. There are two dates to remember for the passage of the final tests of the 2021 patent (those of math, French, science and history-geo-EMC): Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 June The continuous control counts for 400 points , that is half the mark of the 2021 patent. The other 400 points are divided between the final tests : French (100 points), maths (100 points), history-geography and moral and civic education (50 points), science (50 points) and individual or collective oral (100 points). The publication dates of the results of the patent are from Thursday 8 July to Saturday 10 July , at dates and times that differ according to the academies. 

Date, continuous check, review of tests, scoring and result… Here is all the key info on the organization of the 2021 patent.

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What are the 2021 likely topics for the geography patent ?

In geography, according to the professors interviewed by the specialized site Digischool, the theme of urban areas “comes back regularly” and could therefore again land on the table of students for the DNB 2021. Among the favorite themes of teachers prognosticators, we also find productive spaces, as well as low-density spaces and their assets.

What are the two disciplines of the 2021 patent science test for the general series ?

Each year, two out of three disciplines (SVT, physics-chemistry, technology) are drawn for the passage of the science test of the DNB (National Diploma of the patent). In 2021, it is physics-chemistry and Life and Earth Sciences that “fall” for the general series. 

Additional patent points: how does it work ?

In the rating of the brevet des collèges, candidates who have taken an optional education can obtain additional points, depending on the level acquired at the end of cycle 4 (this cycle covers the classes of 5th, 4th and 3rd):

10 points if the learning objectives of the cycle have been achieved 20 points if the learning objectives of the cycle have been exceeded

Subject of EMC of the brevet 2021 : on which themes do teachers bet ?

Regarding EMC, aka Moral and Civic Education, the teachers interviewed by Digischool lean towards the following themes of topics of the DNB 2021: “Sensitivity: French and European values, symbols and principles” in main hypothesis, then, in secondary hypotheses, “Law and rule” or “Commitment”.

What are the likely subjects of the French patent 2021 ?

According to the predictions of teachers questioned by the website, the subjects of French that have the most probability of “falling” to the brevet des collèges 2021 are those revolving around the themes of the search for identity and the construction of oneself (telling oneself, representing oneself) or life in society and the denunciation of the travails of this same society. The notion “Acting on the world (Acting in the city: individual and power) and that of “Progress and scientific dreams” are also cited by other professors.

What was the success rate of the patent in 2020 ?

According to the Ministry of Education, the overall pass rate for the 2020 patent was 90.5%. 754,000 students were admitted. A success rate up +4 points compared to that of 2019. Important “detail”: the written tests and the oral test of the brevet des collèges were canceled that year, due to the coronavirus epidemic. The marking for this degree has therefore been modified, in the same way as for the baccalaureate. The 2020 patent has therefore