RANKING CAF 2020 – The edition 2020 of the classification reference in Shanghai has been published on Saturday, August 15. What are the French universities, the highest ranked ? Check out the list of winners.

Summary Ranking of the universities of Shanghai (ARWU) Ranking of universities Shanghai 2020 Ranking of universities QS
(QS World University Rankings) world Ranking Times Higher Education Ranking of the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) Ranked universities according to
the rate of success (ministry of higher Education) Ranking of universities according to
the insertion rate (ministry of higher Education) The rank of French universities in the global rankings

[updated August 15, 2020 at 18h17] The Shanghai ranking is online ! As every year, the institute has published its prestigious list, listing the best universities in the world. A classification realized by Jiao Tong University, became a reference since 2003 and attracts every year the eyes of all the academic institutions of the world.

And to this list 2020, the pressure was great for the faculties holding the title, including the prestigious University of Harvard, in the United States, who camps in the first position of the ranking of Shanghai for the past 17 years. And what about French universities ? Last year, the first to appear on the list was Paris-South… to the 37th place, in front of the Sorbonne university in 44th position. Will they be better this year ?

many criteria are taken into account in the Shanghai ranking : the number of former pupils have become Nobel laureates, the number of researchers as cited references or the number of articles that have been published in the scientific journals “Science” and “Nature” during the past five years.

Discover without further delay, the ranking of the faculties of the world established by the Jiao Tong university below :

► See the ranking of the best preparatory classes for business schools by the Figaro

See also our special page Parcoursup

The ranking of world universities of Shanghai (ARWU)

The academic ranking of world universities (ARWU) is published by the University Jiao Tong of Shanghai in China. Since its creation in 2003, it is still Harvard University has occupied the first place. The University of Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in general are not far behind. In 2019, Harvard happened again, ahead of Stanford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

The universities are ranked according to six criteria : the number of Nobel prizes and Fields medals among the former students, and among teachers, the number of researchers most cited in their discipline, the number of publications in the scientific journals Nature and Science, the number of researchers listed in the Science Citation Index-Expended (SCIE) and the Social Science Citation Index (CTBS) and the average performance of teachers.

Ranking universities of Shanghai 2020

Each year, the verdict of the ranking of universities Shanghai is unveiled in the middle of the month of August. This is also the case in 2020, since the list was put online Saturday, 15 August. A new ranking of no great surprise, since the top-10 of the best facs in the world is substantially the same as that of last year. Thus, the prestigious american university of Harvard retains first place, in front of, like last year, Stanford, the United States and Cambridge in England. Small novelty all the same (and not least) : the entry to the rankings, two new universities in france, Paris-Saclay on the 14th place, PSL (university Paris Sciences & Letters) in the 36th place and the Sorbonne on the third place of the facs French at the 39th place.

top 10 universities in the world (in 2020) :

Rank Establishment 1 Harvard University 2 Stanford University 3 University of Cambridge 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 University of California at Berkeley 6 Princeton University 7 Columbia University 8 California Institute of Technology 9 University of Oxford 10 University of Chicago

The French universities in the Top 200 (in 2020) :

Rank Establishment 14 Université Paris-Sarclay (Paris Sciences & Letters) 36 University of PSL (Paris) 39 Sorbonne University 65 University of Paris 99 University of Grenoble-Alpes 101-150 Aix-Marseille University 101-150 University of Strasbourg 151-200 University of Montpellier

top 10 universities in the world (in 2019) :

Rank Establishment 1 Harvard University 2 Stanford University 3 University of Cambridge 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 Berkeley 6 Princeton University 7 Oxford 8 Columbia University 9 California Institute of Technology 10 University of Chicago

The French universities in the Top 200 (by 2019) :

Rank Establishment 37 University of Paris-Sud (Paris 11) 44 Sorbonne University, 79 Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) 101-150 Aix Marseille University 101-150 University of Grenoble-Alpes 101-150 University of Strasbourg 101-150 University Bet