first raised recently by the government, the question of the reconfinement arises, whereas the activity of the coronavirus in France is intensifying by the day.

Summary The reconfinement for September ? Britain, Great Is… What are the concerned regions ? Card Criteria

[updated July 27, 2020 at 23h33] France will she escape the reconfinement ? The answer to this question seems increasingly uncertain as the summer advance, and the figures continue to be a concern. The latest data from the health authorities report an increase in the incidence (number of patients infected per 100 000 inhabitants), reports in medico-social establishments and a cessation of the decrease in admissions in the icu.

data that has recently pushed the government to speak publicly on the reconfinement. Olivier Véran, without mentioning directly the subject, regretted the current situation and targeted the youth in an interview in Paris. “The patients are young, younger than at the previous wave”, noted the minister of Health, which reveals more generally that the positivity of the tests carried out is income to the “same level day-to-day lifting of the containment”, the 11th may last. From this observation, it is impossible to dodge the assumption of a reconfinement in France.

The idea of reconfinements “localized” has been mentioned by the Prime minister, Jean Castex, mep, in an interview with Nice-Matin published Saturday evening. However, he recalled that the priority remains, above all, “prevention”. Prevention is essential, then, that the pandemic does not cease to continue its growth. In a context of resurgence of an epidemic, the government has already strengthened certain measures, in particular through the screening of travellers from some countries may in the airports. In addition, an order issued, Saturday, the 25th July by the minister of Health Olivier Véran, agreed to the full refund of all PCR tests that can be carried out without order and without symptoms.

“We will adapt”, promises Castex

In this sense, and to give all the chances to avoid this scenario, Olivier Veran has launched an appeal to young people. “I understand their need to change air and to blow, but the virus, he does not take a vacation. It has not yet won the war, implores the minister, who has brandished the threat of the closure of the bars in some areas where overflows would occur. “This is part of the possibilities,” he confirms.

For his part, the Prime minister spoke out more clearly the idea of reconfinement, even if he wishes to avoid at any price a reconfinement total. In any case, in its generalized version, which would be “disastrous” for France “at the social and economic level, (…) including to the psychological health of some of our fellow citizens”, he conceded in an interview given to Nice-Matin.

Even if the reconfinement is not a “taboo word”, according to former mayor of Trabes, the priority remains the prevention. If the future darkens a little more, the solution could be found in “reconfinements very localized”. “We will adapt”, promises Jean Castex, mep, which called once again to maintain the respect of the gestures barriers, and this “until the day when a vaccine will be found.”

The reconfinement for September ?

For the moment, while the summer is in full swing, the reconfinement is only at the stage of hypothesis. The outbreak of coronavirus, including the revival of activity is undeniable, is always in spite of everything considered to be controlled by the French health authorities. But among the scientific and medical community, many fear the fact that the Covid-19 is a seasonal virus. In other words, as the warm temperatures do not inhibit, in any case in part, its virulence. Thus, if we rely on this scenario, a second wave could reach France and Europe in the fall, as soon as the course of the month of September. If, of course, for the time being, this is not ensured, Emmanuel Macron announced in early July that it had “nothing to exclude”. About Jean Castex, a few days later, he was part of the fact that the government had finalised a “plan of reconfinement targeted”. According to the Prime minister, the executive is “ready” to face a second wave in the fall. And detail, in a desire to anticipate : “We are not going to make a plan of reconfinement as we did that of the month of march. A reconfinement absolute, as what we experienced last march, would have terrible consequences for the country. We are going to target”.

Large Is, Britain… what are the concerned regions ?

According to the Prime minister, Jean Castex, if France was to have recourse to the reconfinement, it would happen so localized and not widespread. So, you may see differences in situations from one region to another or even from one department to the other. As we have seen recently, the Mayenne has experienced a critical situation with an acceleration of violent, the number of infections. Thus, could be used as the criterion the “RO”, the reproductive rate of the virus. In other words, the average of the number of people infected by a single patient. Currently, and according to the latest data of the ministry of Health, the Brittany and the Big East are the two regions in which RO is the highest with 1.87 and for the first and 1.72 for the second. The two regions are same past in red as they exceed the threshold set of 1.5. It should be noted that the New-Aquitaine is also in red and with an R0 of 1.51.


Here is the map of R0 as a function of the different regions, the data of which are updated each week by the ministry of Health. It should be in spite of everything to make it clear that this is an indicator of the evolution of the epidemic in France among others, which might also come into play if the government were to bring into force the reconfinement located.

criteria for the reconfinement ?