troubled by the candidate EELV Stéphane Baly, Martine Aubry, has trembled during the 2nd round of the municipal elections in Lille, but eventually gets a fourth term. The scores were very tight throughout the evening.

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After an early evening difficult and of first ads not very optimistic about the outcome of the election, Martine Aubry will ultimately keep his seat as mayor of Lille and get a fourth mandate ! The suspense was great throughout the night of the 2nd round of the municipal elections in Lille, but after having been placed behind Stéphane Baly, his former ally and candidate of EELV, the former boss of the PS is now positioned in the head, according to the latest results that the credit even of 200 votes ahead. If first results given on Sunday evening by Harris interactive/Epoka for TF1 placed the candidate EELV Stéphane Balyen head with 40.1 per cent of the votes, front of Martine Aubry (PS and allies) is credited with 39% and Violette Spillebout (LREM) with 20.9%, or the situation has quickly changed ! A 21h30, La Voix du Nord announced that after 106 polling stations counted on 127, Martine Aubry was passed back in the lead with a 1.6-point lead on the representative EELV. in The end, she would get 40% of the vote and 227 votes ahead of the candidate EELV. You can imagine the sigh of relief to his campaign team !

Candidate for the fourth time in a row at the town hall of Lille, the former leader of the PS has experienced a campaign of contrasts and it is face to face with two former allies as it was this Sunday, June 28, at the 2nd round of the municipal elections. Conscious of the danger represented by the Green to Lille, Martine Aubry, had touted his status as a mayor confirmed to run for a fourth term and to convince the inhabitants of Lille to the track once again. The municipal official has estimated to be the only one to have “the experience, networks and ideas” to “pass the recession that promises to be”. Martine Aubry is also compared to its main competitor of the second round, Stephane Baly (EELV), ensuring that, contrary to the Greens, “we have not had a need to change our project in the light of the crisis”, she started.

Mayor of Lille since 2001, Martine Aubry had nevertheless touched on the new maturity date of the second of municipal 2020 with polls unflattering. The municipal official socialist outbound is certainly the leading vote in the first round, with 29.8% of the vote, but she was closely followed by Stephane Baly (24,53%), the candidate EELV… with which she has not been able to agree to an alliance in view of this Sunday, which would have undoubtedly facilitated a re-election. This configuration resulted naturally in the polls, which have put Aubry and Baly elbow-to-elbow. A consultation Fifg for the Voixdu North believed put June to 39% of the voting intentions in favour of the former minister, compared to 37% for the elected ecologist.

short Biography of Martine Aubry