Edouard Philippe has won his bet. The Prime minister passed through the ordeal of the ballot before the voters of the Harbour, but this election was finally confirmed. With almost 59% of the vote, according to early estimates, it could also stay at Matignon…

Edouard Philippe was facing this Sunday, June 28, in the evening on a part of its future policy, both local and national. The Prime minister has finally fulfilled his bet of being re-elected to the city council of le Havre. Edouard Philippe is re-elected with over 58% of the vote, according to first estimates, published this Sunday night on the site of the city of le Havre. With 58,83% of the vote, Edouard Philippe is clearly Jean-Paul Lecoq (41,17%). “The results are the net”, he indicated shortly after 20h at the forum. “I would like to thank very sincerely the Havraises and Havrais who have continued to trust us. It is an act of trust that we need to take very seriously.”

presenting Themselves once again to a term as mayor of le Havre, the Prime minister has looked after the blur about his ambitions during the campaign for the second round. During a debate on France 3 Normandie in the face of his competitor Jean-Paul Lecoq, the candidate of communist Haven, the First minister had not hidden his desire to return to his status as a mayor, without discussing his current position as head of government. “My goal is to be mayor of le Havre, quickly, it can happen very quickly. If this happens very quickly, it will be very well, that’s it,” he said on 22 June. At A time when speculations are rampant as to the reorganization announced in July, this statement has again fueled the doubts about the future of Edouard Philippe Matignon…

In the first line on the record of the pension reform, Edouard Philippe has managed in recent months as many ads as the after-sales service on this folder extremely tense. Under the spotlight, the Prime minister has several times found himself at the heart of the debate. After having presented the main lines of pension reform Wednesday, December 11, from the seat of the economic and social Council, Edouard Philippe, has repeatedly took the floor to defend, again and again, the much-criticized reform, and to maintain at all costs its calendar : a debate at the Parliament begun just before the municipal for adoption in the summer. A huge risk that several elected officials and advisers of the majority would have advised not to take. However, a defeat this Sunday evening could also darken its future with Matignon, as the rumors of a redesign are becoming more pressing.

What will he decide now that he is elected ?

The agenda troubled and cut off by two of the municipal has been several times pointed out by the opponents of Edouard Philippe, in Paris and in le Havre. “The prime minister is not délocalisable in le Havre”, for instance, has launched the mp of The Republican (LR) of the Yonne Guillaume Larrivé to the national Assembly, after describing France as a country in a “state of permanent crisis”, while his Prime minister is “part-time”. In le Havre, the main opponent of Edouard Philippe, Jean-Paul Lecoq did not fail also to emphasize the ambivalence of the situation, claiming to be the candidate “who will stay in le Havre, not move back and forth to Paris”.

Very taken by the health crisis, it is true that the Prime minister has been very discreet in his city. On 15 June, he had revived his campaign on Twitter. Édouard Philippe was then distilled elements of program, “adapted to a new context of crisis”. The words are the recovery of the economy and modernization. But, the question arises : if he is elected during the 2nd round of the municipal elections in le Havre, that will decide the head of government ? In an interview with Paris-Normandie published on the 16th of June, Édouard Philippe stated that his priority remained the prime minister, before an inevitable return in his fief. “I tell you : if the voters trust me, I’ll be back in le Havre. Later in may 2022, but may be much sooner,” he said, describing himself as “Prime minister full-time”.

The national debates have been several times set before them also in the countryside of le havre, to support where it hurts. The 49.3, unsheathed in the midst of a crisis of the coronavirus to pass pension reform in the Assembly, was an argument of the campaign in the normandy town to the opponents of Edouard Philippe. “People say to us : ‘You have a responsibility to the Haven, it is you who must make the punishment to the Prime minister'”, explained the candidate, communist Jean-Paul Lecoq. It was not enough…

Short biography of Edouard Philippe

Born on 28 November 1970, Edouard Philippe, aged 49, is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris in 1992 and then of the ENA (promotion Marc Bloch, 1995-1997), it was first campaigned in the socialist Party. In 2001, the young mandarin is closer to Antoine Rufenacht, mayor of le Havre from 1995 to 2010, and became director of campaign of Jacques Chirac in 2002. When the merger of the centre and the right, Edouard Philippe became director general of the UMP, under the aegis of Alain Juppé. It is from the mayor of Bordeaux that he will do his entire career before joining Matignon. With the result that we know.