successful Bet for Michèle Rubirola, who became the first mayor of the left in Marseille, after 25 years of reign of the right. A mayor green who has outstripped by far the dauphine Jean-Claude Gaudin, Martine Vassal.

After 25 years of reign without sharing the right of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin leaves the place to Michèle Rubirola. According to first estimates released by LCI, it has won the municipal election in marseille with 39.9 percent, far ahead of Martine Vassal. The candidate LR invested to take over from Jean-Claude Gaudin will have conquered that 29.8% of voters. Third, Stéphane Ravier, the candidate RN, would have won 19.8% of the votes. According to the estimates of the Fifg, she would have won between 43 and 59 seats in the municipal council for the Spring of marseille.

in recent days, Michèle Rubirola had obtained the support of Christiane Taubira, Lionel Jospin, as well as the visit of Julien Bayou, Olivier Faure, Yannick Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who did not fail to acknowledge this victory. The alternate of the deputy Submissive, Sophie Camard, elected in the 1st district, and will therefore be part of the municipal team alongside Michèle Rubirola : “A word to Marseille, my alternate is elected, in a coalition winning. (…) And this gives a beautiful result. EELV is replacing PS that resists elsewhere. It is comforting,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon. According to the estimates of the Fifg, the list of Sophie Camard in the 1st sector of Marseille would have won 59% of the votes.

Who is this new leader of the left in Marseille ?

the Head of the list of the Spring in marseille, which brings together the PS, the PCF, ex-EELV and some Untamed, Michèle Rubirola, is a physician, environmentalist and very involved in social action. Its program : to make of Marseilles a city ” sustainable, more green, more democratic. Less noisy and polluted”. Priority is given to schools, housing, hospitals, and in urban planning more green. In the first round of municipal elections in marseilles, the union of the left had won 23,44% of the vote, ahead of the 22.3% of Martine Vassal of the Republicans. Until the last moments of the campaign, Michèle Rubirola has indeed benefited from a positive dynamic, the latest polls giving it in a good position to snatch at the right hand the city of Marseille.

The Spring of marseille has designated Michèle Rubirola the top of the list in January, after the withdrawal of the PS Benedict Payan. The movement was created following the drama of the collapse of the buildings in the rue d’aubagne in the centre of the city in November 2018. “I had no ambition to be mayor of Marseille, I wanted to be an assistant to turn a difference in the lives of people “, said there is little the candidate for the Figaro. During the campaign, a survey was made of the effect of a bomb, a survey BVA for The Tribune and Europe 1 was given in front of his rival of LR, with 35% against 30%, while Stéphane Ravier has been credited with 20%. The voters are they going to this Sunday, give the lie to the polls ?

Larzac to the anti-nuclear

consulting Physician for the social Security, this wife of 63 years has worked for fifteen years as a family doctor in the popular neighborhoods of the city. Since the 70s, Michèle Rubirola is of all the struggles : antimilitaire on the Larzac, for abortion, against nuclear power, dams, such as the reports of The Figaro. She joined the Green party in 2002. Born in the years 50, Michèle Rubirola grew up in the neighborhood of the Spinning wheel, where she still lives, with his grandparents ‘ original neapolitan and Spanish. The candidate, in the Spring of marseille is engaged with the association of shelter assistance to people in difficult situations, Habitat alternatif social, she also chairs Europe’s Social Project, Research Innovation, an association that works with the HOMELESS. Noël Mamère described in le Figaro as a “personality umbrella, and gifted with humility”.