RESULT OF the PATENT. The DNB 2020, will be 100% obtained on the basis of ongoing monitoring. But how will it be assessed concretely and on what date and time will be published the verdict ? Everything on the outcome of the patent in 2020.

Summary Points and references to the patent Result of the patent 2020 Result of the patent : search by name, Date and time of the results of the patent Session replacement

The results of the patent are usually releases in mid-July, on for about a week and at different times as a function of academies (see here). But by 2020, according to the decisions sent from the 3 last April and fine-tuned throughout the month that preceded the déconfinement in France, the diplôme national du brevet (DNB) is entirely past control continuous , just like those of the bac and the BTS. It will therefore not take place as planned on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 June. But what will the concrete results of the patent ? According to the ministry of Education, the patent of the colleges in 2020 will be more precisely obtained from the average of the grades obtained during the three quarters of the year third , with the exception of grades obtained during the confinement period”. The ministry of Education also stipulates that “the annual average will be translated into points according to the usual range of points assigned to the review of the DNB (see the calculation of the points of the patent here).

regular attendance in the course will be taken into account in the result of the patent ?

so It is only on the basis of the continuous control , as for the tray, that the students of third will achieve or not their patent, in this period of health crisis unprecedented in the country. The minister of Education stated that, in a unique way, “all college students will have courses until July 4,” from the time of return to normal [the last day of the school year is Friday, July 3, 2020, ed]. “The issuance of the final patent will be conditioned by the attendance of the student until the end”. The resumption of courses in the colleges took place from may 18, in the departments green, and has concerned all the colleges with effect from 22 June.

Result of the patent 2020

To obtain the diplôme national du brevet (DNB), it is necessary to recall win at least the average, which is 400 points, since the patent of the colleges is scored out of 800 points. Half of the points is based on the continuous control, the other half on the written tests. The particulars of the patent are as follows, knowing that the “Good” and “Very well” have the right to give merit scholarships to the high school to certain conditions detailed by the Department :

at least 480 points obtained (12/20) : mention “well Enough” at least 560 points obtained (14/20) : “Good” at least 640 points obtained (16/20) : “Very well,”

► Check the annals and the subjects zeros made available to students by the ministry of national Education on its website at

Looking for a name or a city AcadémieAix-MarseilleAmiensBesançonBordeauxCaenclermont-FerrandCorseCréteilDijonGrenobleguadeloupeguyanela RéunionLilleLimogesLyonMartiniquemayottemontpelliernancy-MetzNantesNiceNouvelle-CalédonieOrléans-ToursParisPoitiersPolynésie FrançaiseReimsRennesRouenSaint-Stone-and-MiquelonStrasbourgToulouseVersailleswallis-and-Futuna 20202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007

Each year, publishes online lists of admitted by the academy, city and student’s name. In the meantime, results of the patent 2020 mid-July next , for you to familiarize yourself with our interactive feature or find out if someone you know has had it or not its patent last year, explore the search engine above and the bulleted list and interactive map below. They allow you to see the results of the general certificate of secondary 2019 by academy, by city and by name of student !

Results of the patent by city Paris (75000) Marseille (13000) – Lyon (69000), Toulouse (31000), Nantes (44000) in Bordeaux (33000), Rennes (35000) Strasbourg (67000) Nice (06000) Montpellier (34000) Tours (37000) Caen (14000) Brest (29200) Dijon (21000), Angers (49000), Amiens (80000) Reims (51100), Orléans (45000) Metz (57000) Clermont (63000), Lille (59000) in All the results of the patent-city-by-city Results of the patent by academy [MAP] Results patent Academy of Aix-Marseille Results patent Academy of Amiens Results patent Academy of Besançon Results patent Bordeaux Academy Results patent Academy of Caen Results patent Academy of Clermont-Ferrand Results patent Academy of Corsica Results patent Academy of Créteil Results patent Academy of Dijon Results patent Academy of Grenoble Results patent Academy of the Guadeloupe Results patent Academy of French Guiana Results patent Academy of The Meeting Results patent Academy of Lille Results patent Academy of Limoges Results patent Academy of Lyon Results patent Academy of the Martinique Results patent Academy of Mayotte Results patent Academy of Montpellier Results patent Academy of Nancy-Metz Results patent Academy of Nantes Results patent Academy Nice Results patent Academy of New Caledonia Results patent Academy of Orleans-Towers Results patent Academy of Paris Réresults patent Academy of Poitiers Results patent Academy of French Polynesia Results patent Academy of Reims Results patent Academy of Rennes Results patent Academy of Rouen Results patent Academy of Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon Results patent Académie de Strasbourg Results patent Academy of Toulouse Results patent Academy of Versailles Results patent Academy of Wallis-and-Futuna What are the date and time of the results of the patent ?

The results of the patent 2020 the global should this year be shared Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 July . But the date and time of the dissemination of the results of the patent varies according to the academies (see table below). In contrast to the results of the bac, the results of the patent are, in fact, communicated over several days. Here are the dates and times provided by the rectorats in the Parisian Students in service academies :

Date and time of the results of the patent 2020 Academy Day Time Aix-Marseille – Amiens, Friday, July 10, 18h Besançon Thursday, July 9 14: Bordeaux – Caen, Monday, July 6, non-release Clermont-Ferrand – Corse on Thursday, July 9, 10am Créteil on Friday 10 July 10am Dijon Thursday, July 9, 9am-Grenoble – Guadeloupe – French Guiana – – Lille Wednesday, July 8, 15h Limoges – Lyon / Thursday, July 9, 15h Martinique Wednesday, July 8, 10am Mayotte – – Montpellier Thursday, 9 July 14: Nancy Metz – – Nantes Thursday, July 9 In the morning to Nice – Orléans/Tours Thursday, July 9, 12 noon Paris Friday, July 10, 10am Poitiers Friday, July 10, afternoon Reims Thursday, July 9 14: 30 Rennes Wednesday, July 8, 17h Meeting Wednesday, July 8, 16h Rouen – Strasbourg Friday, July 10, 11am – Toulouse – Versailles Friday 10 July 10am When should take place the session of replacement ? Monday, September 14, 2020 : 9am-10.30 am and 10.45 am-12.15 pm : French / 14h30-16h30 : Math Tuesday 15 September 2020 : 9am-11am : History-geography, and teaching moral and civic / 13h30-14h30 : Science / 15h-16h30 : foreign Language

NOTE : the order of passage of the test is reversed for Guadeloupe, Martinique and Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon. This applies for each day of the event, like the first session.

The session replacement, or “session of September”, is usually open to applicants who are unable to pass the patent during the June session for the case of force majeure. As stated in the official website of the ministry of Education, the situation is more complex still in this year of crisis health-related Covid-19, where an expansion to 2020 :

to the candidates “that can not be argued to the jury the results of its ongoing monitoring” and that “no educational institution may not present a school report, or formation booklet or folder monitoring” for candidates whose school report or booklet of training or the record of continuous control “does not allow the jury to decide on the level of knowledge and skills” “in exceptional circumstances and on approval of the jury”, to the candidates for the professional certificate, in the patent of professional studies, in the patent of the trades of art, the patent professional, the additional statement, having obtained in the examination an overall average score of less than 10 out of 20 in exceptional circumstances and on approval of the jury, the candidates who have submitted or may not stand the test of control of the professional baccalaureate in July and had an average score less than 10 on 20

The ministry of Education specifies, however, that the tests of replacement do not apply to candidates who have not attained the minimum thresholds of periods in the workplace or training centre, apprentice training or professional activity are not reached (the threshold in question has been reduced to take account of the health crisis).