RESULT SENATORIALES. The right and centre have increased their majority in the Senate, following elections in September 2020. Who is elected in your department ? All the results of the senatorial elections, and the info keys.

Summary: the Results of the senatorial elections Candidates to the senatorial elections Date of elections 2020 List of the relevant departments Operation of the senate Who vote in the senatorial Delegate senate

[updated, September 28, at 8h41] The senatorial elections often go unnoticed because they do not directly concern the citizens, the voting being done by “grand electors”. However, the designation of a member of the Upper House is crucial for the balance of the legislative power in France, since the Senate is a real balances in the national Assembly. The elections of this Sunday, September 27, 2020 came reinforced the majority of the right, as members of the senate and Republicans strengthened. The socialist Party remains the second largest parliamentary group, even if he loses a few seats. The Republic in March, which registered a stinging defeat in local elections, limited the damage and retains at least twenty elected members of the outcome of these elections to the senate. It should be noted that the environmentalists manage to form a group, the national Gathering has managed to retain its single seat, that of Marseille, Stéphane Ravier. Here are the results for family policy :

The Republicans : between 145 set 155 seats (144 in the past) Socialist and republican : 65 seats (71 previously) Union Centrist : 48 to 52 seats in The Republic in March : 21 to 25 seats (23 previously) RDSE : 12 to 15 seats, the Communist, republican and citizen : the 15 seats Green : 11 to 12 seats of The Independent Republic and Territories : 10 to 14 seats Non-Registered : 4 to 5 seats election Results in the Senate

All the results of the senatorial elections are available via the map below. By clicking on a department, you have access to all the information on the mode of election, the candidates in the race and their score.

The senatorial elections were scheduled on Sunday, September 27, with the renewal of 172 senators. Since 2011, the Senate is renewed by half every 3 years, in two series. 63 districts were affected in total by 2020 : 58 metropolitan departments (departments of which the number is between 01 and 36, and between 67 and 90, to which must be added the French Guyana, Wallis and Futuna, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and French Polynesia. See the full list of departments below).

the elections to The senate are made according to two modes of election : by a majority vote in two rounds, which applies in the constituencies electing one or two senators (representing 34 districts and 59 seats in 2020) and a ballot based on proportional representation in the constituencies electing three senators or more (29 districts, or 113 seats). In the first case, a candidate and his alternate are candidates and must be of different sexes. To be elected in the first round, he must obtain the absolute majority of the votes cast and a number of votes equal to one quarter of the registered voters. In the opposite case, a second round takes place by relative majority.

A third round of municipal

the elections to The senate are to vote what is called the grand electors, in other words, elected officials, mainly local. They can therefore not be compared to a sort of third round of the municipal elections. It is on this occasion, in march and June 2020, the vast majority of the electorate in these elections has been constituted. In view of the results of these municipal 2020 disrupted by the outbreak of coronavirus, the right and centre were going to stay in the majority, and Gérard Larcher (LR) retaining his seat of president of the “High meeting” this Sunday evening. The Republic in Walk, she should lose ground, and the environmentalists will strengthen quite significantly in the Senate. Before the election, the distribution of the seats renewable by political group was the following :

Candidates to the senatorial elections

The nominations for the senatorial elections had been submitted to the prefecture on September 11. In total, 1449 candidates were decided on Sunday, September 27. 1971 candidates were presented at the previous senate in 2017, which was a record for this election. In 2014, during the previous renewal of the senate, 1733 candidates were presented. At the time, it was already a record. To find out who was a candidate this year, simply click on a department on the map above.

Date of the senatorial 2020

The senate elections were held this Sunday, September 27, 2020, the date to which were summoned the electoral colleges. In the departments concerned where the elections were held in majority voting, the first round was open from 8: 30 to 11: 00. The second round of voting takes place from 15: 30