In the history of technology stand Panasonic often enough on the winning side. The Japanese entrepreneur Matsushita what about you realized a hundred years ago and the need for sockets for light bulbs and was founded under the name of Matsushita Electric Housewares Manufacturing Works, the company, which is since 2008, Panasonic. After the ascent with Bicycle lamps, washing machines, Radios, monochrome TVs, automatic rice cookers, and home air conditioning systems, the group continued later in the Era of consumer electronics with the VHS video cassette and Blu-ray on the right horses.

In search of the best technology for the high-definition TV, the Manager verkalkulierten under the former CEO Fumio Ohtsubo, however, total. The Plasma technology offered in the system in dispute in the case of the HD screens, although certain advantages and could represent, for example, in game movies black areas really sick and tired of a dark grey veil. Nevertheless, the majority of customers opted for the power of their Plasma Alternatives, LCD, or LED, save. The impact for the Panasonic were almost fatal, because the group was the manufacturer of most of the production facilities for Plasma displays as a whole.

television Test

starting at 370 euros: This television Foundation recommends a test

By Malte Mansholt emergency brake in the case of Plasma-TVs

In fiscal years 2011 and 2012, it seemed as if the giant Panasonic could disappear from the stage: Losses equivalent to almost 15 billion euros to the sky, rising, even as the group was swallowed up in 2008 with the Acquisition of Sanyo. It is a radical shrinkage rate followed. In 2013, the top management of the group also drew on the Plasma screens on the brakes and stopped production. “Due to the losses in fiscal years 2011 and 2012, we were forced to rethink our strategic focus,” says the top Executive for the German-speaking countries and the Netherlands, Kai Hillebrandt. Now it is but back to the number two in the German TV market.

Panasonic shrank healthy, but it is still a world-leading electronics company with over 250,000 over the globe employees, including more than 1500 in Germany. In the turning phase, we were able to the Japanese to occupy certain areas of growth. So Panasonic was able to bring its Know-how in battery technology, the mega factory of the US-electric manufacturer Tesla. For a long time, the analysts were not sure whether the production can be used to overcome difficulties in Tesla. A Failure by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, could Panasonic with into the abyss. Finally, the evidence that the large bill will rise by Tesla for the Japanese became more frequent.

The Samurai grabs

On the completion of the months-long centennial celebration, group chief Kazuhiro Tsuga showed, despite the restructuring successes, however, really satisfied. Panasonic needed to go on the mass production of household appliances, and smart products to develop, he said on the “Cross-Value Innovation Forum” in Tokyo, a house of Congress, with around 50,000 visitors.

The Panasonic in-chief, known in Japan because of its load-pulling kind of “Samurai CEO,” said to give with the Japanese engineering Tradition, and only then with a product in the sale, if it appears to be fully Mature – while competitors from the United States or China to shoot with products in the “Beta-Phase” of the contact to the consumers. “In the future, Panasonic will also come with imperfect products on the market – with the full Knowledge that they are deliberately incomplete,” said the CEO. “This does not mean that you are defective, but rather that we have the game room, to meet the different needs of our customers.”

huge income without sunlight

In this Bio-Bunker builds Panasonic the vegetables of the future

rescue by impression of immature

On the Panasonic Convention have already been presented a number of projects that are not yet fully Mature, such as a greenhouse for the cultivation of salad plants for the domestic kitchen. Or a living room table that identifies with a language assistant, the topic of conversation of the round, and appropriate images on the surface of the table conjures up. Were presented also Sensors that can detect the mood of the residents of the Smart Homes and automatically light and space music.

Ultimately, Panasonic is trying to establish an Alternative to the voice assistant, Alexa, Amazon, Apple’s Siri or Google assistant on the market. At the Congress in Tokyo, Panasonic showed up with HomeX, a System that is not only a recipe from the Internet can conjure up, but directly with a connected kitchen is connected to control the temperature and cook time on the Panasonic cooker. The Japanese group is not dependent even necessarily the fact that the inhabitants of a Smart home aware for the Panasonic. The Japanese are also one of the major suppliers of prefabricated houses in China and Japan.

Fullscreen ©Christoph Dernbach/ Picture-Alliance for the future of shopping

Similar to Amazon Panasonic also has the supermarket of the future in its sights. In Japan, the group is already working with the supermarket chain to Trial. In February, it was opened in Fukuoka, on the southernmost of the main Japanese Islands, a Smart Store, where about 100 cameras from Panasonic are used in order to observe the behavior of the customers. A further 600 cameras from Sony have selected shelves in the view and to report whether certain products need to be refilled. Customers walk past a shelf, a recognize the cameras age and gender of the buyer and the bezels on LED screens (allegedly) matched with the special offers. A use of this technique in Germany is not planned in the foreseeable future. First of all, data protection must be clarified matters, said a Panasonic spokesman.

Christoph Dernbach / DPA