onnes. The European health pass is effective since 1 July for travel in the European Union and the Schengen area. Around August 5, the health pass will soon be mandatory to go to the restaurant, bar, cafe, trains, long-distance bus and planes, trade shows, hospitals and nursing homes except medical emergencies.

What is the list of places where the health pass becomes mandatory ? Restaurants, cafes and bars: the sanitary pass is required in restaurants and bars only dancing today, when the gauge exceeds 50 people according to a amending decree dated July 9. In other types of bars and restaurants, it is not required at the moment : customers must only report their presence in the interior rooms of the restaurants, either by entering their details via the paper reminder book, or via the application All Anti Covid Signal by scanning a QR Code. These rules will soon change. The sanitary pass must be presented to access the cafes bars and restaurants, including the terraces. The date has yet to be specified. Train:” between 7 and 10 August”, the sanitary pass will be required on long-distance trains such as TGV, Intercités and night trains. It will not be required in everyday transport (TER, RER, Transilien, metro, bus, are not concerned). Hospital: the health pass will be mandatory for patients and visitors in hospitals and nursing homes, except in emergencies. Shopping centers: they are generally spared, except by decision of the prefects according to the situation of the epidemic on the territory. An amendment was voted for the prefects to be able to set up the sanitary pass at the entrance of “large shopping centers, if the conditions require it, guaranteeing access to essential services”. Campsites and hotels: campsites, holiday centres and hotels that only have an accommodation offer are not subject to the sanitary pass. On the other hand, campsites that have a swimming pool or a theater require the sanitary pass, but only once on arrival at the campsite, and regardless of the length of stay, specifies Nicolas Dayot, the president of the National Federation of Outdoor Hospitality, to the Echo Touristique. At the beginning of August, campsites, holiday centers or hotels equipped with a bar or restaurant will also be subject to the sanitary pass. Same process, access to the campsite will be refused or validated at the beginning of the stay. Museums and monuments :the Arc de Triomphe , the Eiffel Tower ,the Palace of Versailles or any other museums and monuments of more than 50 people, the sanitary pass is required. Amusement parks: the sanitary pass is required to go to amusement parks, such as Disneyland Paris . Concerts and festivals : the obligation concerns concerts, shows and festivals with more than 50 spectators. Stadiums and other outdoor sports facilities: the sanitary pass is required to enter a stadium, which also has no limited gauge. Gyms or swimming pools: the health pass comes into effect to access all sports establishments welcoming more than fifty people, either weight and fitness rooms, indoor or outdoor pools. Cinema: the sanitary pass comes into force in cinemas where the ceiling exceeds 50 spectators. Theatres and other performance halls: theatres, operas, conservatories, opera houses… The sanitary pass is mandatory when the gauge exceeds 50 spectators. Fair and fairs: a contemporary art fair, such as FIAC, a major fair such as the Agricultural Fair, Chocolate Fair or the Book Fair or the World Tattoo Fair… The accessibility of all these places is subject to the sanitary pass. The sanitary pass is required for fairs and fairs with a capacity of more than 50 people. Casinos and other gaming rooms: Casino activities, with or without contact, have resumed, as have bowling, escape games and gaming rooms. The sanitary pass is required when the gauge exceeds 50 people. Places of worship: “Type V” establishments of worship, i.e. churches, mosques, synagogues or temples, are subject to the sanitary pass only in the context of activities “which do not have a cult character”, or leisure activities such as a concert or a show, organized in such establishments. But in no case is the sanitary pass required during ceremonies or moments of prayer.  Weddings: If the entire wedding ceremony takes place in a private venue, the sanitary pass is not required. On the other hand, in places accessible to the public (party hall, etc.), it is. Boat cruises: the sanitary pass is mandatory as long as 50 passengers are present. Discotheques: nightclubs require the sanitary pass since July 9, with a 75% indoor gauge (100% outdoor). Wearing a mask is not mandatory either indoors or outdoors. Who controls the health pass ?

Staff of public establishments and event organizers must check the validity of the health pass to control access to a place of more than 50 people in France, just as airlines and customs must check access to an airplane, at a border. Using