For first time in history of Saudi Arabia, women are allowed to drive in Islamic-conservative kingdom. At midnight local time ended decades-long driving ban for women.

“It is a historic moment for every Saudi Arabian woman,” said TV presenter Sabika al-Dosari, and set out on wheel a few minutes after end of driving ban in eastern city of al-Chobar. In course of day, thousands of women are likely to follow ir example. The pharmacy student Hatun Bin Dachil was pleased to finally no longer be reliant on men. “The days of hour long waiting for a driver are over,” said 21-year-old of news agency AFP.

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In recent weeks, first women’s licences have been issued in Saudi Arabia for decades. After a practical test, many women exchanged ir foreign driving licences in Saudi-Arabian papers.

Saudi Arabia was only country in world where women were not allowed to drive mselves, which has long been a critical and incomprehension worldwide.

The abolition of ban is part of reforms with which mighty Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wants to liberalise and modernise state of country. Besides cars, women are allowed to drive motorcycles, vans and trucks in future.

However, many of activists who had spent years at end of ban on women have to experience historic day after arrests in prison in last few weeks. Even shortly before lifting of ban, activists were arrested who had fought against ban on driving. Human Rights Watch said “relentless action against women’s rights movement.”

In or areas, women also continue to be subject to strict restrictions. You will need consent of your men, fars or or male relatives before travelling or studying certain professions. In public, you must completely cover your body.