r week, this is not enough, we what we want is a cover a week on two, as we did before”. About the announcement on the meal, for Esteban * , 20 years old, second year of licence in Lyon, “The two meals it is a very good thing, but it’s got to be a lasting, that would survive after the Covid”. On 20 January, hundreds of young people took to the streets in all of france to express their weariness.

The conference of presidents of the university, for its part, welcomed the announcements of Emmanuel Macron : “What are the prospects for the medium term, which can open up a horizon more stable for the students and the students in the current semester”.

* Chloe and Esteban have both been interviewed by the AFP

Why the universities have not reopened earlier in half-groups and for all pupils, as in many high schools, whereas the evil-be was already alive in the students ?

This is one of the questions asked by the Sunday Newspaper the minister of Education in the general maintenance of the 24 January last. The answer of Jean-Michel Blanquer : “most of The countries of the world have made the same choice for universities : develop the distance education, whereas these young adults are more self-reliant. In the high schools, the cohorts are more restricted, the mixing more easy to avoid”. The minister, however, added that “the universities organize themselves to do the same [in the schools]”, referring to the announcement by the president on January 21, on the opportunity for all students to come in once a week at least during face-to-face.

Which devices other than the meal at a euros and cheques-psy are now being put in place to support students ?

The plan “A young, one solution”, the extension of the youth guarantee or 100 000 additional posts in the civil service are part of the measures put in place by the government, recalled Jean-Michel Blanquer on the 24th of January.

what exactly is the strengthening of the protocol in the secondary schools ?

A division of classes in groups has been put in place in the majority of high schools from the 9th November last, provided that each pupil will benefit from at least 50% of teaching face-to-face. Concretely, the teaching staff of the school may choose to bring students face-to-face-a-day on two, or a week on two. This is to keep the social link and to limit the school drop-out. Classes in visio have not held, however, and are replaced by homework, since the teachers cannot both teach a class “physics” and on the internet. The students facing great difficulties, however, have the possibility of come “more often” in high school, and to be “supported by teaching assistants,” said France 3. According to the ministry, in mid-January 2021, the gauge 50% of the students in the high schools was met by 69% of the public institutions of the country.

For the Tray 2021 , in order according to the minister of Education to “take into account the consequences of the crisis on health conditions of preparation of the bachelor’s degree general and technological”, this is the ongoing control that is going to be privileged, whether for the students of the First or Terminal. A measure “as” exceptional”, while the new ferry was to enter fully into force this year. Common assessments (formerly called E3C) were initially planned in the First and Terminal are cancelled. They are replaced by continuous control, in other words, by taking into account the notes of the bulletin school. This measure relates to the history, geography, modern languages, and the specialty which is not continued in the terminal, as well as the mathematics to the way technological and scientific education for the general pathway.
The testing terminal of the ferry to the teachings of speciality are also replaced by continuous control. What are the average marks for each subject specialty throughout the year that will count the place, and those of the two first quarters for the folder Parcoursup. The trials of a replacement of the lac 2021 will have to be held in June 2021.

That contains the health protocol against the Covid at school ? What are the new rules ?

The health protocol for schools was established at the déconfinement in the spring, it has been several times amended. The last modification date back to the 14 January. Here is a summary of the measures in force. The new health rules, announced in mid-January, are visible in bold :

the canteen , intermixing between the different classes is no longer possible. The brewing process in general must be limited to a maximum, the primary school as in college, by the spreading of the transition classes in canteen ; with as a last resort the proposal of take-away meals to students. If the food in the school is maintained “in the usual places”, institutions are required to organize the flow and the density of students, “respecting the distance of at least one meter between the groups of students belonging to the same class in the nursery schools”. In elementary school, the colleges and the high schools, if this say